Lockscreen tag

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I was tagged by _gabrianna_ to show you guys my lockscreen image lol here it goes...

Don't judge me

Lmao! Okay, there's a good explanation why Justin's ass is my lockscreen image, actually, a couple of reasons: 1) it's sexy af and 2) no one will go through my phone after switching on my screen and seeing a guy's bum on there

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Lmao! Okay, there's a good explanation why Justin's ass is my lockscreen image, actually, a couple of reasons: 1) it's sexy af and 2) no one will go through my phone after switching on my screen and seeing a guy's bum on there. It'll most likely disgust anyone who isn't a belieber so who needs a password when you have Justin's booty as your lockscreen?

And, just because, here's my home screen image :) me as a pretend OLLG el-oh-el

And, just because, here's my home screen image :) me as a pretend OLLG el-oh-el

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Btw, I did not know we could add images to the page like this. Bless my curiosity lol I've always been afraid of pressing stuff idk about >.<

I tag @-iphoneuser cause she's currently my Wattpad obsession rn (y'all need to read 'Mute' ♡♡♡)

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