✔Twenty Eight: "This Justin boy is keeping you happy."

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The long hours on the phone with Justin made my time away from him feel a little better. I felt like a teenage fangirl all over again, dying over the sound of his tired voice and the image of him with his new hairdo. I was literally coming apart inside just thinking about how lucky-- no, blessed-- I was to have him in my life. It may not have been in the way that I'd imagined, growing up, but I had him nonetheless and loving him was just so easy. He helped me forget about my ordeal with my mom and I went to sleep the happiest girl alive.

It was morning time and I'd gotten up early to get ready for church with my parents. As much as I would've liked to stay in my room some more to sulk, I realised that this was my last day here and I wanted to make the most of it because I didn't know when I'd be able to visit again.

I stepped out of my bedroom in a black pencil skirt, a white blouse and black heels and I put my silver studded earrings on as I walked down the stairs, makeup and hair done, handbag secured under my arm with all my essentials in it.

In the kitchen, my step-dad was having his morning fix of coffee and he smiled at me when he saw me.

"Good morning, Liv," he said, "how did you sleep last night?"

I knew that he was testing me. This house had thin walls and I knew they heard me laughing at Justin's stupidity when we pulled an all-nighter.

"I slept well," I blushed, walking over to get myself a glass of water.

I honestly didn't get much sleep but I wasn't complaining. It was worth it.

"I'd hope so. You spent most of the night giggling. This Justin boy is keeping you happy. I see that now."

I wished my mom would notice.

"I wanted to talk to you about your argument with your mother," he put his coffee down and turned to face me as I stood at the sink. "She told me about the grocery store incident."

"I'm over it," I shrugged and had my water.

Honestly, I knew how my mom could get and I shouldn't have expected any different this time.

"She didn't mean any of it, Olivia."

"Dad, I know you want to stand up for her and stuff... no disrespect, it's not your battle. If mom's sorry, I'd prefer if she told me so herself. Don't say things for her that she doesn't mean."

"I just don't want you leaving here with hurt in your heart."

"It's not like it's the first time mom and I haven't seen eye to eye."

"Still, it's not right."

"Did she tell you that she blames me?"

I wasn't going to bring it up but since it was brought up...

"You know better than that, Olivia."

I sighed and left my glass in the sink.

"Where's mom? We're gonna be late for the service."


I left the church feeling much better than I did when I walked in and that was because I'd almost forgotten how much energy the choir and priest had. They had me on my feet!

Speaking of feet, my heels came off as soon as I walked into the house.

"Wasn't the service amazing?" My mom was all smiles when we got home.

She was a pro at brushing things off, that was another thing I'd have to warn Justin about when the time came for him to meet my family. She and I hadn't spoken all morning and here she was, smiling and praising the Lord like everything was alright.

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