✔ Twenty One: "Any guy who messed with your heart in the past is an idiot"

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I wheeled my suitcase down the narrow staircase as I held onto my handbag with my other hand.

It had been an eventful few days and I thought it would be best for me to go back home and spend the rest of the week with Justin.

"Olivia." Bruce got up from his chair in the living room to come and help me with my bag.

"Thanks, Mr Bruce." I smiled at him.

"You're leaving already?" Pattie walked over from the kitchen with Diane.

"Yeah, I think it's time to. I did what I came to do. I think Justin is bored out of his skull in my apartment all alone."

"Oh." Pattie said.

I knew she'd take my departure hard. She and I had started getting along just fine. The night before, all of us stayed up late to talk about Justin as a child. They got out some home videos and photo albums... it was heartwarming. And that day, I went around taking pictures with the family at different locations during my little tour of Stratford to show to Justin when I got back.

"I need to give you something." Pattie spoke again.

"Okay." I smiled.

She wiped her hands on her apron and went upstairs.

"It's quite unfortunate that you're leaving so soon." Diane smiled at me.

"I know, but I have work in a couple of days and I'd just like to reboot." I said.

"We can't thank you enough, Liv." Bruce said. "Honestly."

"It's no problem at all. Thank you for your hospitality."

Pattie came downstairs with an envelope in her hands, one of those big brown A4 sized ones.

"This is for Justin." She said, handing the envelope over.

I could tell that she'd been crying.

After taking the envelope from her, I embraced her in a tight hug which then turned into a group hug with Bruce and Diane joining in.

"Okay." Diane pulled away and managed a smile as she wiped away a stray tear. "Bruce, dear, won't you take Olivia to the airport?"

"Let me get my keys." He smiled too then walked off in search of his car keys.

Pattie looked at me and chuckled.

"You have a heart of gold, Olivia." She said to me, "I will never stop thanking you."

"Thank you, Ms Pattie." I blushed, "Any time you want to come over to see Justin..."

"I'll give him some time to take it all in. I haven't quite gotten used to the idea that... I mean, it's still all surreal to me. We all need some time."

"Of course." I nodded.

"We're good to go." Bruce held up his keys.

"Okay." I bit my lip.

Pattie hugged me once more and then helped me wheel my little suitcase outside to Bruce's car.

I said an emotional goodbye, promised to visit again and then I was on the road with Bruce, quiet the whole way there. Even saying goodbye to him was hard. I didn't have grandparents so it hurt me just a little to have to leave the warmth of Bruce and his wife.

I made it into my flight on time and braced myself for another emotional roller coaster when I got back home.


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