✔ Twenty Nine: "I think I'm ready."

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Walking through the door, I heard the sound of the kettle hissing. Liv was home and playing music, and as I walked further into the apartment, I found she was in the bathroom, singing along while showering.

"Sweetheart?" I called.

The water went off and Liv spoke.

"Justin, is that you?"

"It's Santa Clause." I smiled at my sarcastic response.

She giggled and let me know she'd be right out.

I started unpacking my things, leaving Liv's gift on the bed along with the clothes which belonged to her brother.

Liv walked into the room with a towel wrapped around her body, her hair wet and dripping onto her shoulders. She froze in her tracks when she saw me and, as for me, I had to get myself to look away and focus on unpacking again so I wouldn't be tempted to get ahead of myself with her.

"Hey," she smiled at me.

"Hey," I said too, glancing at her.

Liv went to her closet to look for something to wear as she asked me how my weekend was.

"It was great," I scratched my head, "yours?"

"So-so." She turned around with a pair of baby blue joggers and a matching top in her hands and looked at me again. "I'll be right back. I... I need to get dressed."

"No, I was on my way to the kitchen anyway." I smiled.

"Oh, could you maybe make me a cup of tea? The kettle was on..." her voice trailed off as she walked to her drawers.


After a moment, I left her to the privacy of her own room and I got her cup of tea ready, just the way she liked it: milk first, two sugars.

My mind was all over the place all of a sudden, with thoughts of a half naked Olivia. I didn't know why it took so much out of me to even imagine making love to her. It didn't feel okay to even think of her in that regard and it was crazy because I'm her boyfriend! Maybe the truth was that I was over the top with nervousness when I thought about taking things to the next level. I hadn't kissed a girl in years before Liv, let alone had sex. What was I going to do when the time came?


Liv's voice startled me and I almost knocked over her cup of tea.

"Are you okay?" She walked over to the counter with the box of snow globes in her hands.

"I'm fine, thanks." I smiled, embarrassed.

She set the box on the counter and took a seat while I cleaned up the little spill I'd made.

I didn't know what it was about her today, maybe it was because we'd been away from each other for a few days, but she looked really good, more beautiful than I remembered.

"Are these for me?" She smiled, holding up a snow globe in each hand.

"Yeah," I said, "Uhm, I got them for you... hope they're not corny or anything. I just thought of you when I saw them."

"Really?" She was still smiling as she shook the two globes to activate the snow effect in them.

"I figured, since you love to write and I love to travel... maybe someday we could travel together to those places and you could get some inspiration for your books."

Liv looked at me.

"That is so thoughtful of you, Justin. Thank you so much."

Liv got off her seat and put the globes down then she walked over to me to hug me.

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