✔ Twenty Four: "This is your second chance at life."

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Early in the morning as I was about to get up to make breakfast for Liv and I, I found that she was already up and dressed for work. She stood at her dresser, putting on a pair of earrings.

"Hey," I said to her, rubbing my eyes to rid them of sleep.

"Morning." She smiled at me through the mirror.

"You're really early today."

"Yeah, I wanna get to work and hear what Mr Brown wants to say to me and get it out of the way."

"It's gonna be okay."

"I went bananas in front of a customer."

"He won't fire you for standing up for yourself."

"We'll see." She put her little jewellery box away and put on some perfume.

"Try to have a good day."

"Okay," Liv walked up to me to kiss my forehead.

"Before you go, could I maybe use your laptop to try to Skype my mom later?" I asked.

"Sure. I'll see you later." She smiled and picked her handbag up from the foot of the bed.

"Bye." I waved, sitting up.

Liv hurried out the door and I got out of bed to go make myself something to eat.

I felt a bit more confident than before about talking to my mom. I was hoping that our Skyping session would be good and that it would make things less awkward when she came over by getting things off our chests today.

Luckily I had half a day of work so I'd be able to check on her later, though I was dying to try my luck this morning.

In the meantime, I had my breakfast, got ready for work and I was sure to take my journal with me in case inspiration struck.

I had a new approach to writing music this time, since I didn't exactly have relationship issues or whatever. When I walked to work and when I lived on the streets I heard a lot of conversations between couples. I was going to use that to inspire me; I was going to put myself in their position and write about what they were going through.

I made sure to work as best and quickly as I could so I could get through the day. I had this feeling that tugged at my heartstrings and I just couldn't wait to get back to the apartment.

When I finally got back, I took a quick shower and washed my hair then I got dressed and tied my hair up in a ponytail to keep it out of my face so my mom would see me properly.

Note to self: get a haircut soon.

As my call went through, I kept my fingers crossed and hoped that my mom was available.

"Justin?" My mom's faces appeared on the screen of Liv's laptop and a smile immediately spread on her face.

"Hey, mom." I smiled too.

"Oh my goodness, look at you!" She covered her mouth with her hands and her eyes immediately began to shed tears.

"You're crying." I said, fighting the urge to cry too.

"I can't help it. Look at you. I can hardly recognise you." She smiled and wiped her tears.

"It's all the hair." I blushed.

"You're all grown up. Look at you."

"You haven't changed one bit." I pointed out.

"Don't lie to me, Justin. I'm getting old."

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