Not an update. I just got tagged!

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I'm actually really into doing tags (which has only happened to me like, twice, throughout my Wattpad life) so I'm doing mental cartwheels rn. Thank you @BeautifulMelodyxx

I'm told that these are the rules ye tagged ones need to follow:1

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I'm told that these are the rules ye tagged ones need to follow:
1. You can't refuse
2. You must follow the rules
3. If you did one already and get tagged again, you have to do it (again)
4. You must tag 15 people
5. You must state 13 facts about yourself

Here are my 13 facts!:

1. I ate my twin in the womb: I used to get teased about this so much in biology class when I was in high school, my gosh. The story is that when my mom was pregnant, she had slight complications, right? One moment there was two of us foetuses chillin' in the womb and the next, I'm riding solo. My mom only later found out she was going to have two of us-- she says she had her period while she was pregnant, turns out it was the other foetus exiting. There could've been two of me.

2. I dream about dead people: (lol) I can predict deaths or accidents of those close to me and I can tell if they've made it to the other side (heaven). All my late relatives (who I've known from the time I was little) and my late best friend have each come to me to say their goodbyes to me in my dreams, either before their deaths or after it had happened. I also tend to 'time travel', where I'll dream about someone I know doing something and I'll check on them and find that I was right on track (weird, I know).

3. The scariest thing to have ever happened to me: Lawdt, you don't know fear until you've experienced sleep paralysis. One time I took a nap, I woke up but my body was shut down: eyelids wouldn't open, limbs were stiff... I could hear what was going on around me but I couldn't even scream for help. I probably stayed like that for a little over ten minutes, tryna cry but my body wouldn't let me. Eventually I managed to lift one of my legs and crossed it over the other to flip me off my bed and I recovered. I got up feeling like I rose from the dead lol.

4. I have some serious social anxiety: I cannot walk around any place with a lot of people, alone for too long cause I fear getting robbed. I also will not approach you if I think you're unhumanly beautiful and I will not talk to you if I think you're smarter than I am lol.

5. I used to be a tomboy when I was a preteen: and I thought I was the baddest. When I look at the photographs now, I wanna burn each one.

6. I'm a Scorpio: and it's known facts that we're one of the kinkiest signs in the zodiac... However, I also happen to be a shy Scorpio. Shy in the sense that I find it hard to be openly kinky (which explains why it takes me a week max to write down any sexual scene in my stories lol) oh, but the wheels turn in my head. I legit undress attractive guys with my eyes for a living lol.

7. I have this serious fear of large amounts of water: due to a childhood experience of me witnessing two kids drown on different occasions. I used to bath standing up as a kid, never left the stairs in a pool if I was forced to swim and this one time in high school when we had to do swimming for a physical education subject, I legit cried my eyes out. I could not. I was 15!

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