✔ Thirty Two: The Press Conference

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3 months later


As Liv got dressed in the bedroom of our hotel suite, I was a nervous wreck, standing in middle of the living room area with my statement in my hands, trying my hardest not to freak myself out and get a panic attack.

The knock on the door startled me, making me jump and drop the piece of paper that I'd been holding.

I took a few deep breaths then walked over to the door, only to be greeted by a bunch of flowers.

My mom's face pooped out from the other side of the bouquet, and a small smile graced my lips, my eyes warming up at the same time as they threatened to well.

"Aw, honey," My mom smiled softly at me and embraced me in a tight hug.

I needed to see her, I needed to have her near because I was bursting at the seams and I needed all the support I could get.

"It's going to be okay, I promise." She rubbed my back in circular motions as we hugged.

"Thanks, mom." I said.

She stood back and wiped her tears too before handing me my flowers.

"These are for luck," she smiled.

"Thank you," I took them and went to place them on the dining table before going to put water in a vase.

"How are you feeling?" My mom asked.

"I'm scared," I admitted with a light chuckle. "I've never had to do a press conference before. It's scary to even think about it."

"They can be a raw crowd, I'll be honest, but you need to stick with your guns and be firm and patient, be honest and open, and everything will work out well. Scooter will be right next to you and Liv and I will be in the room, watching it all unfold."

"I appreciate that. Did you get ahold of dad?" I wondered nervously.

My mom shook her head sadly.

"He's going to find out with the rest of the world." She said.

I put on a smile and looked at the bedroom door which had just swung open.

Liv walked out, beautifully dressed and ready to leave.

Liv walked out, beautifully dressed and ready to leave

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I smiled at her and she greeted my mom.

"It's nice to see you again, Liv," they hugged.

"Likewise, Ms Pattie." Liv smiled.

"So, we're all ready to go then?" My mom's tone of voice sounded excited but I knew that it was only to get me to relax a little. She was clearly just as nervous as I was.

"Yes," Liv looked at me.

I simply nodded my head and went to get my phone off the couch to put in my pocket.

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