✔Forty Two: "You will crumble, Olivia."

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After what had happened on my night out with Justin, I'd tried to take more caution whenever I stepped out of the house for work.

I think my paranoia had gotten the best of me. I had this suffocating feeling that I was being followed but, I didn't tell that to Justin, especially since he was due to leave for work later today. He'd been trying so hard to cheer me up after my fall out with my mom and I didn't want to send him back another step when we were making progress. He'd overreact and get bodyguards to follow me or make me quit my job and I was still against that.

When I walked into the bakery, it was chaotic. We'd never had this many people in here first thing in the morning and it heightened my senses.

"Olivia, I tried to call you." Jocelyn followed me to the back.

"Argh, my phone must still be off after..." I shook my head and put on my apron, "What's up?"

"I was telling you not to come in today. These people are crazy!"

"Jocelyn, I doubt that the hype is about me, okay? Who's here?"

"How do you know?"

"I know, first hand, what it looks like when people are out for me. They would've come at me if they were here for me. That's why I'm asking you who's here."

"Nobody that I know of."

"Where's Amanda to bless us with her gossip? I'm sure she knows something." I walked to the bakery to start working.

"She's on her way." Jocelyn said.

Despite the fact that it was kinda claustrophobic in here, I served with a smile and tried to count how many people I'd helped so far. I lost count as soon as soon as Amanda barged into the bakery squealing.

"Tell us something we need to know." Jocelyn said as Amanda made her way behind the counter.

"Okay, just like the time Justin was here? Brown's Bakery is trending!"

"Why?" Amy asked as she packed some doughnuts into a box for a customer.

"Becky O'Hare is on her way!"

I looked at her in disbelief.

Why would Becky want to come here?

"Why would Becky tweet that she's coming here? That's the question." Jocelyn placed her hand on her hip. "You were thinking out loud." She said to me.

"She loves attention, obviously." Amanda said.

I licked my lips and put on a smile for another customer.

"When do you think she'll come through?" Amy asked.

I didn't want to know the answer to that.

"It doesn't matter," Jocelyn said, "Let's focus on serving more people so we can get a whiff of fresh air up in here. It's so crowded."

That was something I agreed with.

And we got to work, serving with a smile and taking on as many orders as we could at a time.

You'd think that after lunch time, things would've gotten better. What I couldn't believe was that people actually lived to stalk their favourite celebrities and others made careers out of waiting for any sort of drama. Some journalists hadn't left the bakery yet. In fact, some of them had taken seats and were having cup of coffee after cup of coffee, just waiting for a miracle to happen.

Just when I'd forgotten about the whole Becky tweet situation, in walked the devil with her bouncing brunette hair, Louboutin heels and an outfit so bright, she didn't need an introduction.

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