✔ Twenty Three: "Becky O'Hare is an O'Whore!"

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Walking across the road to the bakery, I smiled at Jocelyn and her father as they unlocked the doors.

I was in a pretty good mood and couldn't wait for the day to come to an end because, for the first time in years, I was dying to write and I finally had something to write about.

"You're in a good mood." Jocelyn nudged me as we walked into the bakery.

"It's not what you think." I blushed.

"And how would you know what I'm thinking?" She grinned.

"Because that look on your face says it all and that conversation we had on Friday night has been haunting me all weekend."

Jocelyn laughed and I followed her to the back where I'd leave my bag and put on my apron.

"How was your weekend?" She asked me as she washed her hands.

"It was good," I nodded my head.

That should be enough to summarise my weekend, I thought. I didn't want to give too much away, in case the details about Justin and I making out slipped out of my mouth.

"Just good?"

"Yes, Jocelyn." I smiled, "go get the food out before the customers start coming in." I went to wash my hands too.

Just as I was about to go help Jocelyn with bringing out the sweet treats, Mr Brown called me to his office and I thought I was in trouble. Don't ask why. It was the way he called me that made me nervous.

"Mr Brown?" I closed the door and stood in front of his desk as he took a seat.

"Sit down, Liv. Don't look so scared." He smiled.

I walked over to the chair that was on my side of the desk and took a seat.

"How was your trip to Canada?" He asked me.

I was confused about how he knew about that for a second then it occurred to me that Jocelyn had said something to him.

"Uhm... it was positive." I told Mr Brown.

"That's good. Jocelyn told me. I'm sorry if you wanted to keep it a secret. When she said she'd gone to see Jay at your apartment... I must say, Olivia, you never cease to amaze me." He smiled.

I didn't know what to say so I just thanked him softly.

"I hear he works now?"

"Yeah. He's doing really well."

"I assume you found his family? Jocelyn said..."

"I did, Mr Brown."

Mr Brown sensed my feelings and he pushed his cup of coffee to the side so he could show me a framed photograph of a beautiful woman standing outside this very bakery. She was smiling brightly and had her hands in the air.

"That's my wife when we first opened this place for business." Mr Brown said to me, "She was really excited about it even though I had my doubts. She always had hope and faith in whatever she did and even when I was against her helping Jay out when he first came in here, she was set on helping him out as much as she could."

"That was sweet of her." I said.

"You, like her, have a big heart, Olivia. Don't ever let someone try to change you, you hear? Someday, the good you do for others will come back to you, ten times more."

"Thank you, Mr Brown." I smiled shyly.

"You are going to get lots and lots of blessings in your life if you carry on this way. You truly are God-sent."

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