✔ Two: "We've lost another legend"

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Five years ago


"I can't believe you did that to me, Becky!" I yelled as I unfastened my bow tie.

I'd just marched into our hotel suite and found that she was packing.

I was beyond humiliated, fuming and heartbroken.

"Justin... I'm sorry but--"

I couldn't even stand to look at her. I was once madly in love with this woman. She was so beautiful with her green eyes, dark hair and beautiful smile. So beautiful with an ugly heart and it took me three years and a wedding day to realise it.

"Sorry? Becky, you had to wait til we were meant to get married to humiliate me like that? To run off with another man-- my BEST FRIEND?!" I threw my hands up in disbelief.

"Ryan gets me, Justin. In a way that you never did."

"Why didn't you tell me before? You were cheating on me with him all this time and you only let me know that I've been a fool all along AFTER I profess my love to you in front of all our friends and family; in front of God?"

"I didn't know how else to do it. I'm sorry, Justin."

Tears ran down my cheeks and I tugged at the roots of my hair.

"After all these years, Becky..." I sniffled. "I gave the world to you; I would've given you the entire sky if you asked me to."


I put my hand up to silence her.

"I can't even look at you right now. You disgust me and I curse the day I met you." I said.

"You don't mean that."

"I mean every word." I glared at her. "You weren't shit before we met. I want your shit out of my house by tomorrow morning. Otherwise I'm giving it to charity."

Becky said nothing.

I pushed past her and stormed out of the suite. I got my phone out of my pocket and called my lawyer.

"Roger, I need to meet up with you to talk about my will." I said.

I got my car keys from the valet and hopped into my black Bugatti.

I wasn't looking forward to being the joke of the world. I could already tell that the media was going to have fun with it. I was such a perfectionist, this was so humiliating!

It took me months to write my vows. It took me even longer to convince Becky's dad that I was the right man for his daughter. I gave her everything money could buy; I showed her the world. I gave her my heart and all of me and she threw it all away on the day that was meant to be special. Just after I told her how much she meant to me, she went and pulled a, 'Justin, I need to let you know... I'm sorry.' and then she runs off with my best man.

You should've seen the phones and cameras in the air at the cathedral...

I pulled up at a bar and texted my lawyer the address. Before long, Roger was sitting in front of me and I was on my second bottle of beer.

"What a convenient place to meet." He said sarcastically.

My hair was messy by now, my eyes red and warm with fresh tears, my shirt untucked...

"I wanna change my will." I said.

"Here? Now?"

"Yes, Roger." I tried to keep calm. "Bring out the papers so I can sign and shit."

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