✔ Sixteen: "Is this a date?"

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Walking back to Liv's apartment from work, I thought about what she'd said to me the other night about me forgiving Becky and choosing to move on with my life. Of course, she didn't know I was talking about Becky but the advice she gave me was really good.

I thought about the questions I'd ask her and the things I'd say to her if I could, especially since I was at the lowest point of my life. Just like that, as if it were being whispered to me, the rhythm of a song came to mind.

"Where are you now that I need ya?" I sang softly to myself as I walked, "Where are you now that I need ya? Need you the most. When you broke down I didn't leave ya. I stayed by your side. So where are you now that I need ya?"

I smiled to myself and started thanking God for the inspiration I just got. I started running until I got back to the apartment, afraid that I'd forget the lyrics that were in my head.

I went to the spare room that was originally meant for me and I lifted the mattress and got my journal out. I found a pencil, sat on the bed and started writing as fast as I could, taking note of the piano keys as I heard them in my head.

It became a little emotional for me as I was writing. This was the ultimate release for me and all the hurt I felt from what happened between Becky and I flowed onto the page I was writing on.

I wrote about all the things I did for her; the sacrifices I made to stay with her and keep our relationship alive. I was hurt by the fact that she didn't appreciate any of that, by the fact that she played me.

"I gave you my heart when you said yours was broken." I sang softly, writing, "Yes,  I did. I gave you the key when the door wasn't open, just admit it. See, I gave you faith, turned your doubt into hoping, can't deny it. Now I'm all alone and my joy's turned to moping. Tell me, where are you now that I need ya?"

Feeling a little lighter, I went to sit at the balcony to take in the warm afternoon and just be grateful for today. I had a lot to thank Liv for and I was going to. Tonight.

After a while of being by myself outside, I went to get showered and dressed in the best clothes I had and I waited for Liv to get back from work.


"Jay?" She closed the door after stepping into the apartment.

I'd been passing the time by watching some cooking show on TV.

"Hey, Liv." I smiled at her and slowly got up from the couch.

"How are you today?" She placed her keys on the counter and let her hair down from the ponytail it was in.

"I'm good. Really good." I smiled, feeling lighter in spirit after the writing I did.

"That's good. What would you like for dinner? I can't have another night of pizza, I will die."

"Actually," I straightened out my clothing, "I was hoping you'd let me treat you to dinner. Out. At a restaurant."

She looked at me, lost for words, and then she smiled.

"Uhm..." she chuckled, "You sure?"


"Where are we going?"

"I know a nice place. It's not McDonald's or anything so you can dress up if you want."

She smiled again and nodded.

"I'll go get ready then." She said, then she headed down the corridor to her room.

Almost half an hour later, Liv emerged from her room, dressed in a simple green dress which was knee length. She wore it with a pair of black heels and had her hair down.

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