✔ Ten: "I need to tell you something"

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It was hard getting anyone to even be the slightest bit interested in employing me and it took me weeks to do so. Finally, I scored myself an interview for a position as a mechanic's assistant. It wasn't much but it was better than nothing. I'd have a little bit of money coming in so I could pull my weight around here and help Liv out with one or two things.

The past few weeks had been fun with Liv. We watched a lot of her favourite series after dinner when she wasn't trying to continue with her writing and I'd managed to work on my cooking skills which had improved with each meal I'd helped Liv prepare.

While she stayed at work a little late, I decided to make some spaghetti and meatballs with a side of garlic bread for dinner. Maybe when I got hired, I'd buy us some wine to celebrate. I hadn't had any in ages and I was sure I'd forgotten how it tasted.

Liv and I had gone over some basic interview questions and she'd been quite pleased with my answers so I was sure I'd get this job, however boring it was. At least I wouldn't have to sit in an office all day. I'd never really been interviewed for a job before. The last time I sat down to be asked about being capable of something was when I first met Scooter, back when I was a kid.

I smiled to myself just remembering that day. I was quite a confident boy when it came to my music, shy in any other situation. I knew I was good and music was my stress reliever. I hadn't really sang in a while out of fear that someone would recognise my voice and then recognise me. I craved it though: writing music and singing. One of the little things I promised to get myself when I started working was a journal where I could write some music. Maybe someday when I gathered the guts to, I'd go back into the world and show my face again.

The door opened and in walked Liv with a small pink and white box in her hands. On her face was that bright smile that was always so contagious.

"Ooh, it smells good in here." She said, closing the door with the heel of her foot. "What's cooking?"

"Spaghetti and meatballs and some garlic bread." I said.

"Your cooking's gotten so good, Jay." Liv walked to the kitchen and placed the box on the counter. "I got us some milk tart and cheesecake for dessert."

"Sounds good. I've got some good news I'd like to share." I smiled.

"What's up?"

"I've got an interview on Thursday for an assistant position... an assistant to a mechanic."

"That's good news, Jay!" Liv applauded me. "It a good start. Congratulations."

"Thank you." My face went red and my smile faded slightly.

"Hey, why the long face? You should be proud of yourself, man." She said.

"I know. I just... it feels good to have someone believe in me again."

"I believe in you." Liv walked up to me and placed her hands on my shoulders while she looked into my eyes. "I'm really proud of you."

"Thanks, Olive." I teased.

She chuckled and hit me playfully.

"I'm going to take a shower quick. I'm hoping that that delicious food will be on the table when I get back." She said.

"Only if you tell me you have the next season of whatever we've been watching these last few days." I smiled.

"I've got season two and three. You're talking to the series queen, Jay. I gots dis!" She waved like royalty while backing away towards the corridor.

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