✔ Seven: "She makes his life better."

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I carried my groceries to my apartment after a day spent shopping for essentials. I'd gotten my first paycheck from Mr Brown a few days ago and couldn't wait for the weekend to get what I needed.

As I unpacked, my phone rang and on my screen appeared a picture of my mom.

I smiled and took the call.

"Hi, mom." I spoke.

"Honey." She giggled lightly.

"How are you doing? Is everything okay?" I asked her.

"Everything is alright, honey. I just miss you. When are you coming to visit?"

"I'll try to soon. I just started working at a new place so..."

"What happened to your last job, Livie?"

I sighed.

"I wasn't enjoying it, mom."

"Olivia. Didn't they pay you well? What do you do now?"

"I work at a bakery. They pay well too, I guess."

"A bakery, Liv?"

"It's not as bad as it sounds, mom. I have fun at work."


"It's all just until I can finish my book. Then I'll find a publisher and--"

"I don't mean to burst your bubble, Olivia, but this book fantasy you have..."

"Don't call it that, mom." Having her her bash my dreams was nothing new.

"You've been working on most of it since the beginning of high school!"

"These things take time, okay?"

"You don't have time. You're 22 and should be focusing on getting a proper job that'll keep you going in the long run. Making bread and writing books? Come on, Liv."

"I'd appreciate if you supported me instead of killing me like this."

"I just want what's best for you."

"I know what's best for me."


"I've gotta go." I said when I heard an urgent knock on my door.

"Okay. I hope to see you soon."

"Okay. Bye, mom."

"Bye bye, honey."

I hung up and walked to the door.

"Keep your shirt on!" I said, unlocking it.

He stood at the door, bruised and out of breath.

I covered my mouth, not knowing what to say.

"I need some place to stay just for the night." He said. "Please."

I let him in and realised he was limping too.

"Jay, what happened to you?" I asked.

I hadn't seen him in some days and had been wondering about him after he left the bakery in a hurry.

"After the cops came to ask me and some other guys to leave the park, I found some place else to stay but the guys there..."

"They gave you a hard time?"

"They don't like the idea of sharing."

"They did this to you?"  I frowned.

Jay simply nodded.

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