✔ Thirty Four: "Thought my dad would be there, that's all."

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Since the news of Justin being alive had caused such a stir in the world, Pattie had decided it would be nice to throw a small celebration with all of the people who were once close to Justin for them to see him again: old crew members, his friends, family, some people he'd built relationships with in the entertainment industry... obviously this was going to be a huge deal and it didn't help that I had nothing to wear.

Justin was already dressed and waiting for me in the next room while I was busy battling my anxiety and nerves, once again.

I felt better after my conversation with Justin about all of this. I had to adjust. I felt brave the other day but now, once again, just the thought of being in a room full of important people made me feel so tiny. I'd have to walk into the room feeling ten feet tall and I had to find some confidence somewhere if I wanted to come across as that confident.

I'd curled my hair and done my makeup and that's just as far as I'd gotten with getting ready. I wanted to look good but not too over the top, otherwise people would think I was too keen, and if I dressed too laid back, people would think I just didn't care about my image and that wasn't true.

Justin knocked on the door then slowly opened it to peek inside.

I was just standing in front of the mirror with my robe on, trying to make a mental list of all the outfits I'd worn this week so I wouldn't repeat any, not even one item.

"Liv, you're not dressed yet? We're gonna be late." Justin walked further into the room.

"Sorry," I whispered, suddenly feeling hot, "I just don't know what to wear."

"Wear whatever you're comfortable in, baby."

"I wish it were that easy," I tried to smile, "I feel comfortable in sweatpants and a t-shirt but I can't exactly wear that to this thing, can I?"

Justin smiled and placed his hands on my waist as he stood behind me. He looked at me through the mirror as he kissed my cheek.

"Olivia, don't over think this. It's just lunch; just an opportunity for me to introduce you to everyone who I once was close to. It's going to be okay."

"But they're all famous--"

"They're all human beings. You could wear a dress, jeans, a potato sack, bottom line is that they're looking forward to seeing me and meeting you... They want to thank the woman who's talked me into coming back. That's all this is."

"All the more reason to look good." I exhaled and walked off to go find something to wear.

"Remember what we spoke about the other day, sweetheart." He reminded me as he sat on the bed to watch me get dressed.

I nodded my head as I remembered the conversation we had in the bath tub and it calmed me down just enough.

I was lying to myself! I was not calm.

I knew that Justin didn't want me fussing but it was easy for him to say because he had nothing to prove. I could easily be brushed aside while his friends all focused on him. I wasn't asking for attention or acknowledgement but I also didn't want to be a fly on the wall.

I got a white blouse out of my suitcase and put it on along with a pair of jeans, heels and a couple of accessories.

The minimalist look had to work. Didn't Chanel say 'less is more'? Whatever, this was the only look I could think up fast anyway.

 Didn't Chanel say 'less is more'? Whatever, this was the only look I could think up fast anyway

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