Chapter 1

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Mercedes POV

I was walking to my next class scared because I wasn't with Camrie but i just said fuck it. I wasn't paying attention and I ran into the boy I said was cute earlier.

"shit Mercedes shit!!" My phone and shades fell.

"Aye My bad shawty." He said his voice was cute and deep!!

"It's all good that was my fault."

"Oh aight I'm Quaron but 'q' for short and you are?"

"I'm Mercedes.."

"Oh aight Mercedes see you around. Fine ass!" I heard him mumble I just laughed and kept walking.

Q was in my 4th period math. This nigga got a smart mouth. But he's so sexy!

Camrie POV

It's finally lunch time!

"BABE!!" I called when I saw Mercedes she ran to me and kissed me on my lips not like tongue kiss just a peck.

Me and her always did that, it's really not that big of a deal. I mean come on, we shared a womb.

"Guess what Cam!" She squealed

"What?" I smiled

"Remember that boy I said was cute well I ran into him and he told me his name is Quaron and he called me fine!"

"Awe my baby's growing up do you see him in the cafeteria anywhere?" i asked

"right there sitting with that Mexican boy."

"Okay let's go!"

"Wait what?" Cedes said stopping.

"Come on!" We went to the table with just him and his sexy friend.

"Uhm Hi I'm Camrie and this is Mercedes." I said to them they both smiled.

"My name is La'Vincent or La" the Mexican one said.

"Aye bro its 2 of them?!" Q whispered, well it wasn't really a whisper.

"Yeah, so do you guys mind if we sit with you?" I laughed.

"Nah you good." La said.

We sat and talked and got to know eachother.

"Aye uhm Cam.." La tapped me.


"You should give me yo number. You know for future references."

I laughed and typed my number in his phone. I turned to cede to see her staring at Q.

"Uhm Q can Cede have yours?" I asked him. She turned her head so quick I got a damn whiplash.

"Hoe why you do that!?" She yelled.

"You know you wanted it don't front lil girl!" She smacked her lips

"Yea sure she can!" Q said and Cede started to blush.

The bell rang and the boys were just staring at us I gave Cede a kiss.

"I'll see you later." I told her.


"Bruh. They are sexy as fuck, and then she kissed her on the lips too!" I yelled.

"Damn calm yo dick down but they are sexy" Q said.

"Mm mm mm they both can get it at the same damn time!" I said biting my lip.

"Aye nigga Mercedes is mine stick to Camrie."

"Alright fine by me!"


I was in class just chilling when I saw one of Haydin's lil friends mad dogging me. I just ignored it but she did it through the whole class.

"Girl one of Haydin's friends was mad dogging me the entire class." I said

"Did you sock that bitch?!"

"Nah, not on the first day."

"Alright we will handle it after school, pay attention!" Cede said shooeing me away.

Me,Cede,La and Q were talkin bout going to the park later on today when Haydin and her "crew" came up to us. She tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around.

"Yes?" I said folding my arms.

"Why are you talking to my boyfriend?" The girl said

"Because I can, do you have a problem with that?"

"Yes I do!" She rolled her neck.

"Than go ahead and handle it." I shrugged. She rolled her eyes.

"La'Vincent are you cheating on me?" I chuckled at her

"Is there something funny?"

"Obviously I'm laughing aren't i?"

"Listen here I ain't scared of you!" The girl said.

"Never said you were but if you get any closer in my face you might wanna be bitch." I calmly said.

"Look Hiedi we done and over wit leave me the fuck alone you out of the picture,no more you. I moved on." La said while putting his arm around me. I laughed and shrugged it off. I don't have time for these people. I began walking away.

"Wait-wait just come with us. I have a car." La said pulling my arm.

"Oh really how do I know I can trust you La?" I tested.

"You don't. Just come on, I don't bite."

(Pic Of The Twinnies In The MM Left:Camrie, Right:Mercedes)

Excuse Any Mistakes!!


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