Chapter 17

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Cam pov

We pulled up to the house and I hopped out walking to the door. When I got in two people were on the couch a man and a woman. As I got close I began to see who it was and my heart dropped. Why were he here? Why was some woman that looked familiar and 'daddy' sitting in my presence?

"John? Why you here?" I asked going back to the door.

"Camrie? Are you okay honey?" He asked. Aw hell naw.

"Don't pull that honey shit on me, who dat lady?" I folded my arms.

"Camrie, that's your mother." He says. My mouth dropped and I couldn't talk.

"W-why is she here."

"She heard about you being in the hospital from your granny and headed down here as quick as she could." He replied.

"Girls, I'm sorry I left you guys I just wasn't set right in the mind I'm sorry-"

"bitch, save yo sorry. I don't accept. You wasn't here. John just shut the fuck up." I spat.

"That is no way to talk to your parents watch your language-"

"you guys are not my parents. You don't tell me what to do, the way I talk is how I fucking choose too." I began walking out the door but she said something that was bout to make me pound her head into the ground.

"You are a disrespectful little bitch. I did not raise you like this. You're a ungrateful child and a little hoe. I heard about you with your little boyfriends."

"First of all I'm NOT disrespectful, you didn't raise me at all..the fuck you get that from I'm NOT ungrateful you are cause you HAD two very intelligent daughters but you have us up and I'm not a hoe I've only had three boyfriends my entire life. Sooo you may shut the fuck up before you get beat the fuck up." She only been here for two hours so where she get that hoe shit from?I ran to her but they held me back. She just stood there dumb founded. She raised me? Where she get that from. I plopped down in the chair and watched her cry. She looked at me probably wanting me to feel bad. I laughed and shook my head.

"What the fuck you look all jolly jolly for? I still hate yo guts bruh." I look at my dad who looked like he had no fucking worries. His mouth dropped and he got up and left. "Bye bye." I waved as he walked out. I pulled out my phone because I felt it buzz from a text.

Text convo

La👋: heyy baee youu good?

Me: Noo La! Ebony&John is here trying to be all parenty now cause I was on my death bed! Fuck That.

La👋: ebony and John?

Me: my 'mom' and 'dad' dumb ass

La👋: oh fuck no! Me & my fam riding around . we on our way.

Me: I cussed them both out I have a feeling things are gonna get chaotic. Hurry.

La👋: got chu shawty love ya hang tight

Me: ly2 I will try.

End of convo

I put my phone back down and ran up stairs to grab a sweatshirt. After I got a jacket I walked out side to sit on the porch but John was out there smoking. When this fool start smoking, not a cigarette but weed.

"You really get on my nerves, I didn't come here for you to insult me and your mother. You need of forgive both of us and stop being a bitch." He said as he put out the blunt.

"I'm not being a bitch, you the bitch! I fucking hate you!" I yelled he walked over to me and grabbed my neck.

"What did you say?"

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