Chapter 16

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It has been a couple hours and Cam hasn't woken up yet that we know of. Cede called their grandma and she is here freaking out.

"Family of Camrie Williams." A nurse said. We all got up and she stopped us.

"Two at a time please." We exchanged looks too determine who was going in first. Cede and granny walked to Cams room and came back with in 20 minuets.

"Me and Javy gonna go." I said grabbing standing up from my chair. Me and Javy walked in and there she was. Laying in the bed she was not awake yet but the monitor was beeping slowly but still beeping.

"Camrie!" Javy yelled running to her bed as he began to cry.

"Wake up Cam! I need you Camrie!" He began shaking her and I had to peel him off the bed and make him sit down.

"Can you take it Javy?" He nodded grabbing tissue and wiping his eyes. I pulled up a chair by the bed and just started at her plain pale body. Just looking at her made me teary eyed. The monitor stating beating really fast scaring the hell out of me. Then the line went straight.

"No Camrie! I'm sorry! I love you, I care about you! I wish it was me! I really do I fuck up everything! Javy leave now!" I yelled balling out crying.

"Why what happen-"

"leave!" i yelled the doctors rushed in and staring working on her as they pushed me out. I ran out of the hospital and sat on the curb crying my heart out and screaming. It began to rain but I didn't give a shit.

"This can't be happening! No!" I yelled as my dad walked to me comforting me.

"This can't be happening! She can't die!" I yelled rocking back and forth. Kill me now.

"I hate myself I shouldn't have let this happen! This is all my fault! I wish it was me!" I got up pacing around.

"La'Vincent don't say that. It's not your fault. Come sit and calm down." He patted a spot next to him.

"no!" I yelled he gave me the eye and I sat down.

Cede POV

What I was hearing is fake right!? My sister! My fucking sister! I was crying my heart out. I was rocking back and fourth swinging at the doctors that had come to hold me down. I was jumping so much I got a head and stomach ache. I kept crying and crying and crying until I made myself pass out. This is gone make me loose my baby.

Some doctor POV

Camrie laid on her bed as me and other doctors tried to bring the life back into her. We did a final pump and it still didn't work. I hate to tell the family of a patient that they lost their loved one.

As me and my fellow doctors were walking out we heard a beeping sound. We turned around to see the monitor line going back up slowly and Camrie slowly opening her eyes.

"Did I just die?" She asked with confused eyes.

"But you're back." I smiled.


We have not stopped crying at all. This is the second worst day of my life.

"Family of Camrie" Mercedes and Granny got up and went to the doctor. There eyes both lite up as they starting cheering. Why are they instantly happy? They walked over with the biggest smiles.

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