Chapter 1: Wilhelmina

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New story, obviously. 

I know the last two didn't work out so well and i ended up deleting them but i'm determined to actually stick to this one. 

I aim to update every Thursday but we all know that idea is going to go down in a pile of flames  

Hope you enjoy the story  

There is a hell of a lot more drama to come, this is just warming up 



Eat a hamster 


Chapter 1

I don't know if I should start this with the classic Dear Diary or not. I should give you a name how about that sounds like an alcoholic popstar. Bella, yeah Bella. 

You'd think being a princess would be fun right? Well, that couldn't be further from the truth. All the beautiful dresses and the balls, all magical and blah blah blah. Can you say boring with a capital 'B'? Please say it, most of the people my age I talk to are prisey little air heads that don't know how to spell their own names. I'm surrounded by stupid people. Sorry, that's a bit mean but seriously one of them asked me whether or not i had Narnia in my wardrobe. You have no idea how tempting it was just to turn around and say "Yeah I just i hide a mystical land in there for when I get bored." but being the syvalised being I am...sorry I can't say that without laughing, what I mean is syvilised being I was taught to be instead of socially awkward being that I am, i just told her that she needed to go check...was that mean? I feel bad now, it's not her fault that she is more achademically challenged than me.

I know you are probably thinking I thought princess were suppose to be smart, with all the lessons they have to take. I thought the same thing but no, apparently not. My mother probably wishes I was more like the other girls, more like my sister. Ariana, everything a boy wants as a bride and a country wants as a leader. Legend says she has hair as golden as the sun and eyes that sparkle that perfect colour of clue. Yes, she has her own legend and she's only 28. The only legend about me is that I was originally born from trolls and my cousin came up with that one. I'm not sure the country even knows about me, which is just the way I like it. Wilhemina, your classic nerd. Except she's a princess.

Shall we start a list of what is wrong with this girl?

Lets start with the name, Wilhelmina. Who would even name their child that? It's like sending her to ballet class in a clown costume (My sister's idea of a joke). I think my parents just thought "Well this baby is bound to fail us and it looks like a boy but it's a girl so lets get a boys name and change it." Shabang Wilhelmina was born. For the record of course I looked like a boy when I was just born, I WAS BALD.

Secondly, i'm blind without my glasses. Who wants a princess with glasses? My mum once told a visiter that I was a servant, yes a servant. Thanks for the support mother, not making me feel like a disapointment at all.

Thirdly, i'm short and nerdy. I've never had trouble with spots though, that's one good thing that came out of this. I'm 20 and look like I haven't been through puberty yet, which i have by the way.

When it comes to being a princess, i'm a not what to do guide. So if I ever give you advice, don't take it...ever. It will most likely end up dishonouring you family and making you a disgrace.

"Wilhelmina put that stupid book down and come get ready." My right hand lady snaps at me. Miss Hippobottom as I call her, Miss Hippo for short. She's the most evil lady in the whole wide world, beside from my mother of course. I've had to put up with her since i was a baby, yep 20 years of Hippo torture. It hasn't all been bad but there have been zero goods, I now only know how to hide quickly and lurke. I have a pretty good career as a ninja, or a spy but i don't think i'd be able to be a spy. If i was a spy then i'd have to keep a secret and normally i can't do that too well. Spying means being quiet all the time and i can't do that, most of the time. Anyway. Miss Hippo has hair like cobwevs and a face like a piranas but-"Wilhemina now. "

Well duty calls.

I climb off my comfy chair and follow Miss Hippo into my changing quaters, I call it my chamber of torture. I have had some of the worst, yet some of the best experiences in this room. Mainly bad but still, there was that time i got fitted for a pair of jeans...though then it turned out to be and evil scheme to get me into a dress.

"Change into this." Christi shoved a candyfloss pink dress in my face and pushed me behind the curtain before any protesting could comence.

"Why do I even need a dress anyway?" And why does it have to be onewhere everyone will laugh at me?

"It's your sister's wedding Wilhelmina, you can't just turn up looking like a slob. Like you do most of the time." Oh no she didn't, Miss

Hippo needs to be fired. Unfortunatly I can't fire her, I can barely protest against what she puts me through.

"Erm I can take it from here if you want to indulge yourself, I think chef just brought in some new eclairs." I hear the relaxing patter of the devils stiletoe heels leaving the room and I finally breathe.

"I thought she'd never leave." I come out from behind the curtain and throw the dress onto the chair.

"Hey be careful, that dress took a long time to design and create it's glory." I swear Christi is the only one that truely understands me, she is the one that doesn't try and squeeze me into these horific dresses.

"Sorry Christi and i'm sure in anyone elses eyes it's beautiful, but did you really have to make it this pink. Couldn't it be closer to baby pink, less revolting." She laughs then goes back to adjusting my sister's wedding dress.

"I'll see what i can do." I jump up and hug her then pull my book out of the back of the sofa. "When did that get in here?" Oh sweet little naive Christi. The ironic thing was that Christi was 7 years older than me, but to be honest, she was still innocent.

"I have my ways." Into the world of Wuthering Heights.

Tell me what you think:D

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