Chapter 16: Traffic cones and ginger rabbits

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Chapter 16  

My sister is dead. I'm not exaggerating, I'm going to have to kill her. You know that click I heard? Well guess what, it was a camera. A CAMERA! It's probably all over twitter by now. Princesses aren't really suppose to have twitter but because it's Arianna, mother made an exception. Whereas I, had to get it through hard work and black mail; some people.  


And there it is, the notification saying I was mentioned in a tweet. Stupid internet; though without the internet I would really have no life at all and a social internet life is better than that...and a social life. I really don't like the outside world, I feel awkward in it. I feel awkward naturally, so no difference there. Maybe I should go to a doctor, or a psychiatrist, I need one. I think people would be surprised that I'm socially awkward if they could hear how much I babble in my head. I am a mystery.  

Anyway, I may as well see how awful I look in this dress because honestly the mirror is too tiny and it can't fit the whole dress in; that's how big the dress is. Of course, the size does not work to my advantage while I'm trying to move as it restricts it. How do people expect me to dance in this monstrosity?  

Once I finally reach the table, I find myself stuck with another dilemma; my dress is so big that I can't reach across it to grab my phone. Now I look like I'm just miming a stuck crane and obviously my sister isn't going to help me, she's to busy searching for more dresses to squeeze me into and humiliate me in.  

What is the point in dressing up for one of these things, it's not like people are going to know who I am. They'll know the princess will be there but they don't really know what I look like. I think the massive dress and tiara might give it away though, but all the ladies and princesses attending will be dressed up like that so really I wont stick out at all other than I'm me. Camouflage.  

Nearly reached it...nope, still not getting it. I've tried all sorts of awkward positions to get my phone but none of them seem to be working, even when I sit down on the floor I can't reach it. I've tried patting it down too but no, it's like the dress is made of concrete-feels like it too.  

"Oh Willie, I have the perfect dress for you. Now go to hair and make-up so they can set you up properly again." My sister returns with her cheeks glowing red.  

"I don't understand why I have to have my hair and make-up done as well, it's just a waste." It's not like anyone else is going to see me at the moment, i'll make sure of that. No flash photography, videoing or drawing, thank you, please enjoy the ride. Great now I sound like a tour guide.  

"Sweet, little Wilhelmina, we have to plan everything out, we can't just wing it." She laughed taking out her phone again and tapping away at the screen.  

Why can't we just wing it? It would be a hell of a lot easier and instead of wasting money on make-up we could be feeding starving children...not feeding them make-up obviously. For starters, make-up tastes horrible; except for strawberry lip balm, that tastes nice. It's not nice to eat though, just licking your lips which means you have to put more on in my mind. Secondly, most make-up is poisonous so when you feed it so someone you think you're doing something nice for them but it turns out that you're killing them...literally.  

Arianna looked to me and said, "Shoo, shoo." Before I was whisked away into a land of terror and torture, also known and the beauty department. 

All the beady eyes staring at me made me feel like i was their prey, they're very much like hawks these people. They circle you from above with narrowed eyes, I think that's just because they're eyes are so heavy with make-up they have to be that closed; seriously how do their eyes not fall off? It's a miracle if I'm honest with you, they'd either fall off or stay permantly shut. That would mean the end of their careers though because no-one wants a blind person coming near them with...this thing. Is this a guillotine and why is this lady coming near my eye with it? She clamps the machinery around my eyelashes and pulls; I do actually want to keep those you know.  

After much poking and prodding, my hair and make-up was overly done and i was shoved back into the changing room. A red monster was fitted around me and I pushed out through a curtain; stumbling forward to greet my sister, El and Harriet's smiling faces.  

"Well don't you look gorgeous. Don't you guys think." Arianna came and fiddled around with my clothing, addressing the others like I wasn't even in the room. 

"My lips taste weird." Oh no, I just ate make-up, I'm going to die! 

"Stop licking your lips Will, you'll ruin it. I absolutely love that mask. The gold of that really works well with the gold on your lips. It's perfect." Her face lights up as she begins plan everything. 

I look at my self in the mirror. How could anyone think this looks cool? I'm a girl with a quiff for chirsts sake. I look at the dress of blood; it's fitting until the knee and then puffs out a little, apparently they couldn't afford anymore material because everything below the knee around the front is on display. I don't like showing my knees, I'm sensitive. There's a slight silver sash running diagonally down the middle; I look stupid. 

"Okay Wilhelmina, we've decided that the dress shows...more than needed." What does she mean by that? Is she calling me fat?...I'M TURNING INTO A GIRL. 

"I agree how about we just forget this whole thing and go to Wimpy." I love Wimpy burgers so much, they're so much than McDonalds. I wish that they had more recognition, there aren't many left because they're being taken over by the price difference thanks to McDonalds and their 99p menu. 

"No, you silly girl; we're just going to have to have you try on more. MAKE-UP!" Here we go again. 

"Okay these make overs are just getting ridiculous now, I look like a traffic cone. And the blue flowers in my hair, they match nothing that I'm wearing. I'm a ginger rabbit, not just because you guys gave me thank you very much by the way." They just laughed and laughed at me, this is worse than clown school. 

"Okay so we're going to vote." Quoting X Factor there Ari. "Ellie?" 

"It's a no from me. What about you Harriet?" Wow, thanks El.  

"I'm sorry, it's a no from me but don't give up." I wish I could give up at this. 

"I'm not sorry to say that that, is atrocious. It's 100%, no." And I thought you were meant to be my sister. Wait, why am i upset about this? I don't even like these dresses, I should be happy about this.

Arianna glares at me, making me extremely uncomfortable so i say, "I know, i'm going." I shuffle into the make-up room again but instead of a herd of people, there stood two young girls.

"Oh sorry, am i in the wrong room?" I didn't see another beauty room, maybe it's magic.

"Oh you made the beauty team run away scream and then they quit." The blonde one stated and my mouth dropped. I did that to at least 7 people?! "I'm kidding, they've gone out to lunch and left us to deal with...that."

"And who are you two exactly?"

I examine both the girls, they looked completely different .The first had short blonde hair and natural make-up on which was different to the others that were in the room before. She also looked like a fashionista, pink top and designer jeans.

The other, had long brown hair covered by a bennie. It looked like she didn't even want to be here. She wore a casual top with a funny picture on an slightly faded jeans.

I took my mask off from underneath my glasses, that's gonna be awkward at the ball. The two girl looked at each other and nodded.

"We are...the apprentices." They turn back to back hold up hair brushes like they were guns. Well, this should be interesting.


Thank god for that, finally finished writing. A lot of procrastination was envolved but i got there in the end.

I'm super busy...eating if i'm honest with you but i've got homework and this shakespeare thing ugh effort.

Anywho, i know two more characters but this is kind of like revenge and thank you.





Dress up like a ginger rabbit for halloween and scare children


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