Chapter 7: Choo Choo

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Chapter 7

Dear Bella, how's your arm? I mean you've had it bitten and you cut it when Eddie threw you into a wall which by the way, was kind of pointless.

I've been spending more and more time with Louis recently, there hasn't been many days that we haven't hung out together. It's fun to have a proper friend for once. I know i have Eleanor but i haven't been able to tell her that i'm a princess with a secret identity as a servant...that sort of thing doesn't come up in a conversation topic suprisingly. It's not like i don't trust her, i do but if my mother found out it would be the end of me. Eleanor would probably end up admitting everything if my mother clicked her fingers because this job means that much to her, i don't understand it but it does.

You should see the way he talks about everything Bella; his family, music, football even, it doesn't matter what he is talking about as long as he is passionate about it. He glows. I wish i could do that, i give up to easily.

Today, Louis is taking me somewhere. That's about as much information i can give you at the moment as i, myself, am unaware of where exactly we are going. It's a suprise...yay, i love suprises, that was sarcasm. I'm really worried about what may happen on this day out. He could do anything. Kidnap me, take me to a magical prison that's full of mystical being that eat my soul, ANYTHING!

Just calm down Will, you'll be fine. Louis is your friend and not going to hurt you...unless a meteor plumets onto us, killing us in an instant. Wow even my inner voice isn't reasuring. 

I should probably stop write babbling and just go, or else i shall be late. Maybe if i am late then i can avoid this whole thing, but that may result in Louis hating me...desicions.

See you on the other side, i salut you x

p.s I am not over dramatic

I shut Bella and take another deep breathe, unless you couldn't guess i was freaking out. I'm meant to meet Louis at the kitchen back door. It's one that the servants use to enter for work sometimes because mother has banished them from using the front entrance. My mother is a stickler for the rules, especially when they're her rules. Everything has to be perfect with her, not one thing can be out of place, that's why she hides me away.

I open my bedroom door to be greeted again by the cool air that never seems to find it's way into my bedroom. My mothers design probably, peseant air to her. I take one step out then another, like learning to walk again, without the nappies.

No turning back now. The door slams behind me, i'm sucked into it all until i finally reach my turn off. I walked through the doors quietly. I stop and smile as i see Louis leaning against the door frame, i can even feel my heart trying to escape my chest.

I wanted to do the romantic part of movies where the girl sneaks up on the boy and makes him jump, after they joke about it then give each other a hello kiss...but my body seemed to have other plans because i go crashing into a bunch of pots...again.

"Button!" Louis shouts rushing over to me.

"Hey Louis." I try to play it off like i wasn't in pain but honestly, crashing into a bunch of pots repeatedly starts to get to you.

"What am i going to do with you?" He shakes his head and lifts me off the ground. I've never been good at getting up so a lot more noise was made by the pans and my feet. I feel forwards into Louis, making him laugh even more.

"Lock me away so i can't injur anyone else or myself, or get me an ice pack to help with the throbing. Your choice." I stand up straight and brush myself down. "Well, hey."

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