Chapter 3: Pots and pep talks

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Chapter 3


Hiding behind the counter, I thought that bit was pretty clear.

Yeah I got that, but why?

Well in my logical terms, if I pretend that i'm not here then my existence maybe errased from his memory.

...And you expect that to work?

I was nervous ok, it was the only logical thing I could think of.


Be quiet or he'll hear us.

Seriously Will? I'm in your head.

Oh yeah, hi.

"You know just because you're hiding doens't mean I can't see you?" I heard him learn over the top of the kitchen top, and could feel him chuckling at me. I mean...uh you know what I mean.

"I can't see you, so you can't see me." Wow i'm not childish at all. He took a while before replying this time.

"Hey do me a favour and look up?" Don't do it, what ever you do don't and I looked up. Stupid head. "There you go, you can see me. So now I can see you."

"So me hiding down here didn't erase my existence from your memory?" He looked at me confused and shook his head. "Darn that means I need a new idea...hey can you do me a favour and turn around?" He did as he was told and then asked me why but I didn't answer, in fact I didn't say anything at all...until I ran crashing into the pots of the kitchen. Even then all I could really say was OW.

"Oh my god are you okay?" The boy rushed over to my rescue, even though I was the one in a sort of shining armour...I have a saucepan on my head.

"I don't suppose you could erase that from your memory too?" I lift up the saucepan a bit to see his respone, once again he shook his head and laughed, so I dropped the saucepan back down and curled my legs up.

"Hey you don't have to hide from me, I've done embarrassing stuff too." I don't even bother to lift my pot (yes it's my pot now) to talk to him, I look like Winnie the Pooh's t-shirt.

"Really, like what? I bet it can't be worse than this." I HERE BY CHALLENGE YOU TO A EMBARRASSMENT OFF. I can win this easily and all I have to say is my mother.

"Well erm you see time I...ok I haven't done anything like the scene I just witnessed but I did once ask the hottest girl in school out." Yeah because that totally compares to this, I don't know why I ever doubted him.

"What happened?" I sound like one of those children who are crying and getting a really bad pep talk from their parents, whatever you do don't call him daddy...or mummy for that matter.

"She said yes." And I was right worst pep talk ever.

"How is that suppose to help me?

"You didn't let me finish. So she said yes and I was the happiest boy alive and so I waited for her, 15 minutes turned to 30 and soon I'd been waiting an hour. Finally she shows up but with her boyfriend and his rugby team, I think you can see where this is going and if not it's on Youtube." I secretly laughed under my pan, not wanting to seem rude. He did laugh at me so yeah all's fair in embarrassment and saucepans...yeah I don't think that's going to catch on anytime soon. Wait if he knew she had a boyfriend then why would he ask her out? Crazy people.

"Yeah that is quite bad but I bet you didn't have a saucepan on your head." No I still haven't taken it off, it's actually quite cool in here. I SHALL BECOME THE SNAIL PRINCESS. I'm slow enough.

"Nope, my own underwear instead." I laughed, no point in hiding it instead. "Yep, so you gonna take this off your head?" He started to lift the saucepan but I pulled it back down, maybe a bit it to hard because it really hurt my head.

"No, my saucepan."

"I don't think Zayn's going to be happy if he has to try and cook dinner for the royals with a pretty girls head in it, I don't think the consumers would be too pleased either."

"He's got plenty of saucepan' this one." I pulled a random thing from behind me and smiled before realising he couldn't see me.

"But that's his favourite...and that's a whisk." How can you have a favourite saucepan? They're all the same right, just different in size. I sigh deeply and begin to sulk.

"But I like it under here, it's nice." He sat down completely in front of me, resting his back against a counter.

"Well, did you ever think it's nice out here as well?" Oh yeah I thought about it but I always came to the same conclusion, it's not nice out there.

"I've lived for 20 years out there, it's not nice out there."

"And I've lived for 21 years out here and I agree it's not nice but seriously Zayn's gonna bite your head off if he doesn't get that back, he uses it as a mirror." I sigh again and mumble a fine before I feel the saucepan being lifted off my head. "See it's not so bad out here, and the view is great." The boy smiled at me, softly and carefully staring me right in the eyes.

"Yeah nothing says great atmosphere like dirty pans." He stands up and offeres me a hand, I take it and stand up like a baby giraffe.

"Well, they were clean. Now I have to clean them again." Oh so he was the bust boy, aw now I feel bad. Well I need something to ocupie me while I hide from my mother.

"I'll help if you like." I start picking up pans and then begin to walk over to the sink, but the boy catches my arm.

"You really don't have to do that."

"Yeah I do, I made the mess so I'll clean it up." I walk over to one of the sink, the boy in the one next to me. I laugh at the awkwardness and start to wash. Every now and again I look over at him, taking a bit more of him in at a time.

He had like mousy brown hair, lighter than mine but obviously shorter however, not too short. He was average weight, and had muscly arms. He also had a bunch of tattoos on his arms, I laughed at the one that said "oops".

"Are you having fun staring at me?" Oh no he caught me, quick pretend to be a beaver...well that didn't work.

"I wasn't staring, just admiring. I like your tattoos." I look down at the water quickly, I don't want another one of those awkward conversations. The longer i stare at this water the more I think about him. The water reminds me of his eyes, green and blue and beautiful.  Will stop you don't even know his name.

"LOUIS, I NEED YOU IN HERE NOW!" I heard someone scream and the boy who I guess is Louis huffed.

"Sorry I have to go, but I'll see you again won't I?" I should say no, I should-as soon as he leaves- walk out that door and never come back because I'm a princess but I'm also an ordinary girl. I smile at him and part my lips.

"Definitely." He smiles back at me and runs out the door. "You'll certainly see a lot more of me Louis." I run out a different door, smiling to myself.

"Wilhelmina there you are, you're 20 minutes late for tea. Just go to your room, I told them you were sick so just go read or whatever you do." My mother hurried me along angrily muttering to herself and the happiness I felt had gone, but there was still a little spark of it left.


I completely forgot i had to update today until a little while ago so yeah

What do you think of Wilhelmina? And the evil mother queen? She's not that bad guys just misunderstood....maybe

So i don't really have much to say





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