Chapter 28: Street Creded Up

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I've decided to split the plot twist chapter in two

so here's the first half

now is when you begin to hate me btw



Dear Bella (How's Eddie boy taking the whole Jacob imprinting on your daughter? I'm guessing not well)

Well today is the day, the day I tell Louis I love him...haha sorry that's too funny whoo I need a moment to breathe. Like I would ever do that. Nu-uh, nope, nein, niet, non, ie, no, n...I ran out of languages I know, oh well you get the picture. I can't tell him, he likes the princess he met at the ball and I'm...not her, I wish I was but I'm not. He just sees me as a servant girl, just a friend.

 I am Little Bow Peep from Toy Story in this situation, what happened to her anyway? Was she even in the second movie? I don't think she was because that's the one where they go to Al's Toy Barn and find Jessie and Ballseye, oh and Prospector Pete. What a nasty guy?! I swear all the plot twist evil guys in kid films are old guys that no one suspects will be evil.

Who honestly didn't ship Woody and Jessie in the second film and them switch quickly to Buzz and Jessie in the third?

What were we talking about?

I wonder what it would be like if I actually told him my name? Would he know instantly that I was the princess or would he just think it's a coincidence? Though, I don't think he even knows the princess' name! And if he did realise I was the princess, what then? Would he never speak to me again or would he be pleased he actually got to know me for me? Would he be disappointed that it was me, simple old me becoming the girl he loves? Would he feel the same for me as he did for the girl that night? Why m I even thinking about this, there's no way I'm ever going to tell him? Besides, it's better for both of us if he doesn't know...don't ask me how it just is okay.

Getting back to the point, today is my sisters wedding. There was so much to do, even though the previous maid of honour had done most of it, I'm swamped. I've always been a bad organiser but since the Hen-Doo I've gotten a lot of street cred, everyone wants me. I feel like i've leveled up. It's funny how life turns out, from zero friends to the coolest kitchen staff and people wanting to use me for my abilities. Neat huh?  Honestly, I was quite surprised when my sister asked me to be her maid of honour, she's never asked me for anything.

Maybe things are finally looking up for me.

I have to go now, talk to you soon

Will x


"Hey Will could you help me with this?" I walk over to my sister who stood struggling with her dress. It was so beautiful, so delicate too, I felt that if I even touched it I would ruin it but it was stronger than that. I zipped up Arianna and moved round to sorting out the veil. She looked at me and I tried to smile. I wasn't really in the mood for love since the night I slept at Louis, oh I haven't filled you in on that situation have I?

Now lets see.

He nearly kissed me.

Then he basically ignored me after and told me that hes in a rough patch in his life because of the break up and i apparently confuse him (whatever that means). So yeah, my love life is ruined. But hey, Harry and El have really hit is off, I've seen the two of them together and so cute.

I think that's all you need to know for now.

"Are you nervous?" I ask just to stop her from asking how I feel because lets not go down that road.

"I think everyone's nervous...Am I doing the right thing? Marrying him, is it right?" I know that every bride second guesses herself before, but they never regret it in the beginning; after saying yes.

"Well that depends, do you mean right for the country...or you?"

Before a princess can marry there are things they must consider; Is he right for the thrown? What can he do to help rule beside you? And how is he around the subjects? However, when a woman marries they only have to ask one main thing; Is he the right one for me?

"For me." She closed her eyes and bit down hard on her lip.

"Well that you love him?" I meant to ask is he the one you want to spend the rest of your life with but they were the same right?


"Princesses, it"s time." And that was the end of that. Ariana looked down, took a deep breathe and walked out the door.

It wasn't long until I held my sisters trail as she made what I thought was the biggest mistake of her life, I think she knows it too but what's she suppose to do? She can't not go through with it, she'll be destroyed and so will our parents

We reached the altar and he didn't look happy, if anything he was bored, I think I actually saw him yawn. How very rude! He better take care of my sister because if I find out he hurt her in anyway so help me God it shall be off with his head...I am not the Red Queen, I know i've short and have a big head but I don't have to sound like her.

I look out at the crowd of people herded together but I saw something I didn't want to...I saw him

It was one of those cliche moments where you spot the one you love in a crowded room, the only difference is I didn't want to see him.

What is he even doing here? Mother never told me that the servants were invited but there Louis was next to Liam, Niall, Zayn and Harry. All his friends had the same expression on their faces, all shocked and there was also despise mixed in there; it was clear they were not expecting this. But Louis...I hate the way he was looking at me, I hate the way he was close to tears. He looked more hurt than anything, shaking his head but never losing eye contact with me. I wanted to scream at him that I was sorry.

"Wilhelmina stand up straight, you're slouching." My mother scorned me and that was enough for Louis, the fact that she just talked to me just confirmed his suspicions.

He knew that I was the princess.

I watched as he ran out down the aisle in the opposite direction and out of the doors. In this moment my mind was blank, I looked at everyone I'd let down in my life. My mother and father who were watching as Louis ran out, my sister who just looked at me and nodded slightly. Then I knew what to do...I ran (which we all know is something I don't do often) but not away, towards him and all I left were gasps and...a bouquet.



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