Chapter 15: Buttonfailfallinglitous is a serious disease

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Chapter 15 

Louis picked up the moves pretty quickly to my disappointment, he was a natural really. I can’t believe he’s never done something like this, dancing isn’t exactly unheard of in his world. I’ve been to tones of balls and places where you have to do lots and lots of ballroom dancing, much to my disgust I might add.  

He’s lucky to have ‘missed out’. All the ugly puffy dresses that restrict movement more than anything and then you have to attempt to walk in high heels, nightmare if you don’t have good balance.   

Men have it easier than girls. For one thing, girls have longer hair a majority of the time. Long hair means it takes longer to brush and it’s a hell of a lot harder than boys ‘comb comb, done’, we have knots. Though life would be so much easier without hair, don’t you think? It’s pointless; tell me one good use of hair other than to look pretty and to allure the opposite gender.   

“Penny for your thoughts?” Louis asks as I begin to try and comprehend everything that had been happening recently.  

My life is crazy, I should write a book. Though my mother may not be willing to publish it as it may intimidate her, okay it will intimidate her. She has nothing to be scared of though, if she’s the perfect one that she convinces them all she is…mwhaha.  I’m not evil, I promise. 

“It’s gonna take a lot more than a penny I’m afraid. Should we pick up the tempo a little bit?” I offered; anything to get him offs my back. Geez boy, calm down. 

“No, this is fun. Plus if we do anything more eccentric I think you may have more than your feet trodden on.” I laughed even though I was unsure what he was on about, what could be…oh. 

“Louis, we’re just moving from side to side now.” 

“And your point is?” He pressured. Louis is so much of a child it is unbelievable; though at least he doesn’t have potty training issues like most people I know…erm.  

The room is quiet…to quiet. I know it was quiet before but this quiet is different, it stalks the air like a cheetah waiting for his prey.  I chose to ignore the gut retching feeling, it can’t be so bad. It’s not like I’m going to end up being kidnapped by a polar bear and eaten alive by penguins, right?  

I realise now I have a lot of fears. Firstly, the colour yellow, the most horrible and evil colour ever to be created. Secondly, I was scared of being drugged by Louis; and now I’m scared that I’m going to be kidnapped by polar bears…I have completely (i)rational fears that are perfectly normal.  

You know déjà vu, the thing were you repeat a moment in time though sometimes it turns out that you’ve dreamt that moment which I find rather fascinating and would like to uncover how the human brain can predict the future, or maybe it’s that the mind remembers the dream and leads the events to a reenactment. THAT WOULD BE SO COOL! Oh, our clever little minds. Well anyway, you guys know that I have repeatedly crashed into pots and embarrassed myself a lot. I’m thinking of starting a new trend. 

…Starting now.  

Though this time is different, do you want to know why? Okay, there is no need to be negative Newman. However, I’m sure at least one of you ticked yes in the survey I deposited in that 2 seconds so I’m going to tell you anyway, take that Newmans!  

So the reason its different being that Louis is now down with me, it’s like dominoes. I fall into the counter filled with pots and pans and other utensils, followed by Louis falling on top of me…don’t. This time it really wasn’t my fault though; Louis trod on my feet and then tripped me up. I feel like a five year old telling on a boy to their teacher. 

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