Chapter 6: Yellow is evil

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Chapter 6

"Oh hey Zayn, this is Button, the new kitchen staff." Harry introduced me, well this makes it easier when it comes to avoiding my name. Yeah Button, doesn't make me sound like a cat at all.

"Button? I don't remember being told of any new staff joining and i think i would remember a name like Button." Oh no he's onto us, quick someone pull a rabbit out of a hat while two of us make a run for it...what? It's a good distraction plan, everybody loves hats.

"It was kind of short notice." And by short i mean dwarf size. On dwarf notice, that's gonna catch on.

"Well how well do you cook?" Oh yay i love job interview. Of course i've never been to one myself, but i've seen people on TV.

Zayn wasn't your typical boss, like most of the staff here apparently, he was pretty young, barely in his 20s. His black hair also seemed to be perfectly set in a quiff, it was tempting to get a skateboard and use his hair as a ramp but there are two things wrong with that; i think it may damage him and i don't know how to skateboard. Maybe if i get a proffesional skater and a real skate ramp it would work...but that would kind of...defeat the point of it, oh. But what if we created a statue of Zayn's hair and then have skaeboarder-


"Erm orange." I answer before i allow the words to run through my brain, i do that alot.

"I asked about your cooking skills, not your favourite colour." Zayn laughed. How dare he?

"How dare you? My favourite colour is most certainly not orange, why would it be? Orange is just obviously trying to be red, and i think it's really yellow in disguise and trying to be red. Honestly people say green with envy but people should really be looking at yellow, HE
IS THE GUILTY CULPRIT!" I analyse the whole thing while pacing the kitchen. Did i really just let all that come out of my mouth? Now i'm gonna have to find some new friends to play with because these ones think i'm strange now.

"Does what you say, even go through your mind before it comes out your mouth?" Harry asked, yeah sure, now he talks. He couldn't have spoken, oh i don't know, when i was blabbering on about colours and how yellow is jealous of red? I believe that by the way.

Stupid yellow, tricking people into thinking it's all happy and sunshiny but really it's just evily burning your skin and revealing secret smokers to their families, the meanies. MANLY RAGE, sorry i turn into a right ranter when i'm hungry, i think i need a snickers.

"Not really but do apples fall evenly or through a hoop?" Looking around no-one seemed to understand but neither did i really.

"What does that even mean?" Louis pleaded to know, using arm gestures for emphasis.

"No i totally get it." Our heads all wipped round to Zayn who was nodding with his thinking face this dude a model or something.

"You do?...i mean of course you do, only smart and sophisticated people like us would ever understand something like that." I poshly walk over to him and rest my arm on his shoulder. Apparently he didn't like that and told me to get off, so i awkwardly appologise.

"I-i just don't get it." Harry the goldfish ran fingers through his hair in confussion, so i go to comfort him...and of course i do this by pinching his cheeks.

"Aw is baby Harry confuzled, don't worry i don't expect you to understand this grown up talk." I spoke like a baby, only to make him angrier.

"Louis, can you please tell your girlfriend to get off me and smother you instead?" Err what. Look at Louis who is trying to hide his blushing.

"Come on Button his cheeks are too perfect to be pinched." i sulked and walked away, only turning back at the sound of "Ow" coming from Harry because Louis clipped him round the back of the head.

"And that was for saying she was my girlfriend, we're just friends and have only known each other like...3 days."

"Wow Boo, i'm suprised you can count that high." Need some ice for that burn? Wow that was gay.

"Why are you doing that gay wrist thing?" I really need to concentrate more.

"Erm, why aren't you doing it? All the kids are these days, it's er...hip." I stutter though the sentence but i think it turned out okay and completely believable.

"Hip? Who are you my grandma?" Louis joked and thenhigh fived Harry, trying to act gangster.

"What if i am?" I say in complete seriousness because you never know i could be a riencarnation of his nan...unless she is still alive, then i've been posessed by her soul. Back to the milkybar situation Louis and Harry were staring at me like there was an orange in my eyeball, i am definately his grandma.

"Well then that is some good surgery and hows that itch?" Well that is a very touchy subject.

"Why thank you." I put one arm in the air and another on my hip, trying to be a model. "And, it's now moved a bit further-"

"I DON'T WANNA KNOW." Louis screamed before i could say my toes, i don't understand why he didn't want to know.

"Suit youself."

Dear Bella, from you i have learned that if they're ginger and have red eyes then they're most likely evil.

So i met Louis' friends today and yeah it was pretty awkward. Well the usual routine, i laugh, i embarass myself while making a mess and then have to clean it up. So nothing special really, i turned into a grandma...and a cat actually. When i came back El was franticly rushing about the room, pacing and just freaking out. It was probably the funiest thing i've seen, she looked like a cross between an angry rabbit and a squirrel. That should be a new game ANGRY RABBIT, i'm sure there's nothing like it.

Well night Bella, i have a whole day of princess stuff tomorrow and i may cry, get the tissues.

Goodnight x

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