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Chapter 5

"Louis that was for the cakes not me." Oh hello and good-day to you, might I say you're looking ravishing...MIRANDA HART MOMENT COMPLETE. Well now that, that weirdness is over lets start a new one. So you know how I kind of left you will the whole cream pastries thing, I would like to say it is going pretty well...but if I said that I would be lying like...well a liar.

Right so let me set the scene for you. It was a dark stormy night, the wind howled louder than the cat that was being dragged through a bush. Not a noise was heard in the house except a scream that escaped a girl's mouth in the kitchen, a very dirty kitchen. The room was lit by a dim light that kept on flickering like a candle, no other light entered. There stood a boy squinting, trying to concentrate. He spoke,

"TALK NOW, I KNOW YOU DID IT!" The girl-although trapped against the wall-stood firm, unafraid and strong.

"I don't know what you're talking about, and even if I did I wouldn't tell a spineless dog like you." She snarled at him, which proved only to make him angrier. He smashed her against the wall, bringing their faces even closer. "You know exactly what i'm talking about girlie, so you better tell me before I do something you'll regret." She laughed at him, showing whose in control.

"You don't scare me boy, anyway is that really why you're here or did you have other intentions." She whispers in his ear and then leans back, smirking.  The boy feels flustered and unsure of what he is about to do...which was smash his lips onto her's. She smiled into the kiss because she knew she had won...Sorry, wrong story but it did happen a bit like that...except it wasn't night time, or stormy...and he didn't want information from me...and he didn't kiss me. Okay so maybe it was nothing like the story, but how do you know? You were not there so wouldn't know...okay fine, nothing like that happened smarty pants. So what really happened was, we were filling the cakes and somehow got it on each other.

"You're the one that started this." Louis said while continuing to cover me in even more cream. I raise my hands to try and block the flow, but it's no use.

"Fine i give in, mercy!" He stops and smiles smugly at me, what have I done? Louis begins to have a fit, though I think it's his victory dance. His dancing is...original that's certain.

"Stop the traffic let 'em through, GO CRAZY!" Jesus Christ, my eyes, they burn! I laughed at Louis; that boy is a piece of work. He did more random dance moves, though i wouldn't really call it dancing, i could feel my stomach splitting. OH NO, I'VE BEEN LAUGHING FOR SO LONG I'VE TURNED INTO A BANANA.

"Well now that you're done laughing at me, you gonna help me clean this mess up?" Hmm desicions desicions. NEVER PEASANT! Yeah that works.

"Excuse but I am not the peasant here, I am the sass masta from Doncasta. Ain't nobody gonna tell me what to do." He clicked his fingers at me and placed a hand on his hip, he is such a white girl.

"Except your boss."  He picked up a mop and got to work.

"Well to be honest, my boss gets his orders from the Royals. So technically, if i defie my boss, I'm defying the Royals and i could be beheaded for treason or something." I wanted to laugh, really i did because it was actually quite funny but, it was the first time Louis had mentioned my family. I'm panicing okay, i've never had to hide my identity before. I've never wanted to so much.

"S-so w-what do you think of the Royal f-family?" I need to stop stuttering and get a grip just imagine...watermelons growing on the moon. Stupid monkeys not doing their jobs right.

"Well the Queen and King seem...lovely, real sweet hearts..." He starts but interupt.

"You're honest opinion Louis." He shrugs.

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