Chapter 4: Looking at you Anne

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Chapter 4

Dear Bella (Tell Jacob to stop howling, sorry there's this random dog noise and i'm not sure what it is)

Well my life's been boring as usual, how's yours going? Oh right you're a book i hide behind my pillow, YOU HAVE NO LIFE hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Join the club. Always a depressing moment when you discover you have the social life of a book...with blank pages on. I wouldn't mind if it was like a story book because then, well there'd be a story but you're not Bella, you're a journal that's all.

If i seem tense it's because i am, my mother has become my own personal stalker. Seriously she is constantly keeping track of where i am, though she's not doing a very good job of it because I keep sneaking away to see Louis. I think she just does it when the in-laws cool a movie would that be, it'd be a horror movie where the narrators voice would just say "THE IN-LAWS, HIDE YOUR MOTHERS, HIDE YOU FATHERS BECAUSE ONCE THEY'RE SET FREE THERE IS NO STOPPING THE BRAGGING...LET THE IN-LAW COMPETITION BEGIN." It would be in like a really deep voice, not Morgan Freeman voice more like the terminator...What was i talking about again? Oh well, next order of business...not the to the button...ah yes Louis.

This is where you grumble and murmur annoyingly saying "Not Louis, he's not interesting." And that would be the moment where i stand like a superhero and say "THAT IS WHERE YOU ARE WRONG PEASANT, FOR I KNOW THE TRUTH OF LOUICUS.S.S.S' PERSONALITY AND IT IS...not boring." I'm just kiding Louis is actually really funny and smart and handsome, i love the way he laughs and-where was i again? Oh right octopuses or would it be octopi? Man i should sleep, i get really weird when i'm tired. Well night Bella.

Oh and hey, no funny business with Edward...i'm watching you, okay that's gross ew. Now i'm gonna end up dreaming about that, quick think about tulips being eaten by pandas.

Night x

*The next morning*

No, Georgina the panda don't eat that tulip. Just put it down, we can all work this out just don't do anything rash. No, no, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-

"MISS WAKE UP!" I jolt upright in bed, that was the worst thing ever. "Sorry to wake you but i was told to get you up and dressed." A small, timid girl stood at my bedside, she must have been the one to wake me from my dream. I must that her one time, i don't think i could watch another tulip being horridly eaten alive...

"Wait who are you?" She tucks a piece of her blond hair behind her ear and starts fumbling with my clothes.

"W-well you see, i'm your...well i've been hired as your personal servant." She curtsey's, making this moment even more awkward. My mother has a theory that since i can't take care of myself, someone else will have to do it for me. The thing is, i don't want someone to do it for me...and i can take care of myself thank you very much.

"Right ah you see...sorry i didn't quite catch your name." I flip my legs over the side of the bed and walk towards her folding my arms.

"That's because i didn't give it to you." She laughs then freaks out because i'm a princess and apparently no-one is allowed to tell me jokes. I will have you know that i am a very funny human being (Not just in appearance) i can prove that with my amazing twilight jokes i make with every entry...OK the jokes are terrible but blame the octopi. "Sorry, my names El-eanor Eleanor, my names Eleanor Miss, i mean Princess, erm your Highness." I chuckle and walk over to her. She looked at me surprised when i offered my hand.

"Hi El, i'm Wilhelmina but that sounds like an ostrich so you can just call me Will." She looked at me wide eyed and hairy...okay not hairy but it felt right to say it. Her mouth continued to open and close like a goldfish as we continued to shake hands...this has been going on for a bit too long.



"B-but you-you're a princess and i'm a servant." Better believe it honey...that was weird.  

"You're point being?" She finally let go of my hand stepping away from me, looking scared or more petrified, depends how you look at it.  

"You're not suppose to talk to me like that, i'm just the servant girl."  

"Is that all you wanna be? I can request you becoming someone else's servant if you wanna be bossed about to actually do stuff." She rushed closer to me shaking her hands.

 "No, no, i would very much like to stay here." I said good and then walked over to my cupboard, i pulled the doors open so they went flying.

"Good so i have a few rules: 1. Don't ever wake me up unless i'm about to be late." She follows me inside, looking more nervous by the second.  

"Oh i'm dreadfully sorry Miss, i mean Will."  

"That's another thing, no more posh words or apologising all the time, just think of me as one of your friends." I pull out my zombie blood covered t-shirt but side against it. "B. If i ever disappear and my mother comes looking for me..cover for me...or just tell i've drowned that'll work. Though she'd probably be more angry at me for getting my clothes wet or something. I'm not even joking with that one, she once sent me to bed without dinner because i cut my finger and got a drip of blood on my t-shirt.  

"You don't like you mother, do you?"  

"It's not that i don't like, it's that she doesn't like me. It's quite hard to like someone who thinks your a disgrace to your families name." Hmm shall i complete me ruin my mother and wear my green ugly, horrific, jogging bottoms...nah jeans it is then. "Oh by the way, why did you wake me up so early? What has my mother planned for me today?" I go behind my curtain and get changed, no i don't need help i'm a big girl and can do it myself.  

"What?" She asked, as if i'd pulled her out of deep thought which obviously i had. "Oh right, you're mother wishes for you to go horse back riding with all the family, including the in-laws." I grumble, there are 4 things wrong with that sentence. 1. My mother 2. My family C. The in-laws and finally 7. Horse back riding. I know that normal princess can ride horses and can even enter the Olympics (looking at you Anne), some can even ride side sadel but me no of course i can't. There must be a princess gene pool that i was banned from for being too small or something because i can't do any princess things.  

"Well that is my que to disappear, cover for me El." I hear her begin to awkwardly protest  but the door slams behind me silencing her, aw now i feel bad...and i'm over i'm not. Right blend this time no funny business.

I make it to the kitchen without being spotted as a weirdo, or i was and wasn't pointed out as one. I jump up on the counter next to Louis.  

"So what's the plan for today?" I saw his face light up at me, or maybe it was an evil plan that was being concocted in his mind.  

"Well i have 2 words for you."  


  "What are the 2 words then oh great citizen?"  

"Cream pastries."  

Oh no.

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