Chapter 27: How do whales hug?

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I've always wondered what must have happened to a person to be able to sell a person they don't know story, to stalk them and make them feel worthless, and not feel guilty. Don't they have a conscience? I'm pretty sure most children didn't grow up thinking they wanted to be a manipulative, invading maniac for a living. Maybe they just got the unlucky end of the stick, like me with this princess business but, very much like me, they don't really have a choice.

But here they were, the only people that I could think of at this moment that could ruin my whole silhouette of a person. I can see it in the papers, princess parties too hard; who knows there could be date rumors brewing next. I do know is that they'll think this is the most interesting thing I have ever done. Although that is partially true, I have done some rebellious things in my life. Take Button for example, she completely defies my parents, goes behind everyone’s back, lies but she's also adventurous, not as socially awkward as me (if you're finding that hard to believe Princess Wilhelmina could barely talk to boys before her), she isn't me, she's my dream and I've always been told "A dream is a wish your heart makes."

One thing I wish I could do now is pose, look fabulous and then nicely walk away...but no no no I just had to be awkward and make dinosaur arms while quietly whispering "I am not the droid you are looking for"! I'm funny sometimes.

"Will, stop just standing there come on." My sister picked up from the floor and pulled me out of the crowd. "You got to be careful with the Paps, they'll take everything out of context, we'll wake up in the morning with a picture of you and I, the headline being "Princess Arianna and her lover"." She staggers a laugh and I burst out as well, the alcohol clearly still affecting me.

"You should be privileged to have me as a lover my dear, I am an entertaining spouse." I giggle again and kiss her on the cheek.

She laughs and sighs. "You've had too much to drink, Sweetie. We should get you home." She slings my arm around her once more, the flashers no longer interested in us because North West was apparently break dancing.

"I've only had 6 Bacardi breezers, 12 vodka shots and 4 beers." I slur my speech, I'm sure there was more but I couldn't remember right now. El pops up out of nowhere and offers her assistance. I love Eleanor, she's so efficient and helpful. She my boo.

"Mam, allow me. You should go back and enjoy your outing." Ari goes to protest but El cuts her off, she could cut off her head for that ooooo. "I've already arranged transport home, they should be here briefly." Haha briefly is such a funny word because it's very similar to briefcase but then a briefcase is not related to briefly. Like how a briefing is not like briefly, sometimes a briefing would actually be brief, some people just tend to go on and on and on and on and on and...Where was I?

By now my sister had left me deserted and starving with nothing but my bare hands to use as protection, oh and El. 

"So who did you call because I've seen your phone book and there are a lot of take-away places and not many people, oh are we getting Chinese and then maybe he'll know some type of martial arts and help us. I hope you have money cause whoops I do not." I boop her on the nose and hug her tightly.

"How can you not have money? You're part of the Royal family!"

"A lady never jingles, Madam." El sighs and mutters how she's not getting paid enough for this which I believe is completely unfair because I hardly ever make her work difficult and she's still earned more than I ever have when I slave away helping and cleaning in the kitchen...seriously how have I never gotten caught. MAYBE I'M A GHOST, but then how would the boys see me? I suppose they could all have supernatural powers which give them the ability to see dead people but what irony that they're all in the same place right?

The Backwards Cinderella (Louis Tomlinson)Where stories live. Discover now