Chapter 21: Billboard or accessory?

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Dear Bella,

If you really wanted to get rid of Jacob, you could have just thrown a stick and legged it.

Let me fill you in, it's been pretty awkward since the Lounor date, they've been really mushy and the rest of us are getting sick of it. Of course, i'm upset that it's El dating Louis and not me but i knew he wouldn't like me. I'm over it you know, I may have been completely infatuated with him and i totally don't have a shrine of him in my wardrobe...that's not the reason I don't let Eleanor organise my clothes either. I don't let her do that anymore because Narnia is my own place and she's already stolen Louis from me, she isn't having Mr T too. Okay, so my strangeness is not the focus currently, I do think they make a cute couple. I mean Louis, is the sweetest boyfriend and El is the prettiest girlfriend but they're...I literally can't say a single bad thing about their relationship.

Well as those two have got closer, so have the guys and I. Not just Zayn, even though we're as tight as Harry's jeans, but the others and i are pretty good friends too. So, maybe it's not all bad...

I spoke too soon.

"We know all about you Button, if that even is your real name." Niall and Liam said in sync, quite creepily if I am honest with you. This is the moment where a consecutive flow of naughty words that begin with 'f' and 'b' must leave my mouth. My Mother would never approve of swearing, she was genuinely going to wash my mouth one time before the staff invaded and was far more important. I still thank Wanda every thanks giving for getting her arm stuck in the turkey that year.

By now, I've grown tired of everyone finding out about me liking Louis which is what I'm guessing this is about. Honestly, I may just wander around with a sign saying "in love with my best friend who is in a relationship with my other best friend."...that would have to be a billboard because those words wouldn't fit on a sign. Imagine having to walk about with a billboard hanging from your chest, though I guess that's what Kim Kardashian feels. Unlike me, lady flat chest, tiny tits, small bust. You get the picture.

"Yes I like Louis! Now can we please move on? Come on, you guys must have lives too." I yell at them, who knee about my temper. That just made the atmosphere more awkward. Maybe because I just shouted that in a library and even though its a private library and there is no-one else in here, I still feel the need to stay quiet. You never know what character could be hibernating or resting for the next battle against their enemy Professor poop...actually, I know what characters do what where and who they battle, I've read pretty much every book, it's not that I'm a stalker.

"I have a life! I'll have you know that I recently passed my grade 13 guitar exam so meh." Niall stuck his tongue out and folded his arms like origami.

"Woah, really? Bro that's huge!" Liam applauded him as I still sat baffled by the fact that i didn't know that Niall even played guitar, let alone he was grade 13...I didn't even know the musical grade boundaries went that high!

"I'm just kidding." He laughed, obviously please with his joke, though Liam wasn't; I, on the other hand, was quite proud of the little chipmunk. "Wait you like Louis? I TOLD YOU LIAM! You owe me 5 quid."

"Wait." I shout as Liam takes his wallet from his pocket. "You had bets on whether I had feelings for Louis (who is also one of your best friends) and you didn't tell us about it. I don't even know what to say to you boys. Disappointment isn't even a word in this circumstance; actually have no words." Dropping their heads in shame of what they had done, I felt pride. " Just kidding. You should have said, I so could have won that!" I'm always up for a bit of a gamble.

Funny story, my Uncle actually used to be one of the worlds best back street bookies. If you don't know what that is, they're the people you give money to to bet on a horse, a game, pretty much any sporting even. He used to travel the world looking for new business opportunities (though my mother would never call it a business) and how he could con more people out of their money. He was an honest man though, fair, I think that's why people favoured going to him because they always knew he wouldn't run off with their winnings. Before you ask my uncle is no longer in line for the thrown, if he was this country would be in pretty big trouble. There would be a football match everyday and the grand-national at least once a month. IT'D BE A GAMBLING COUNTRY. I don't know what happened to my uncle, we just kind of lost contact after my mother completely disowned him and tried to have him arrested several feuds.

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