Chapter 23: Step in time

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First of all I'd like to apologise for not updating recently I've hit another slump in which I know where I want to go, I just don't know how to get there. Also I haven't really felt up to writing and I fear anything I do write won't be as good as you deserve for being so impatient.

Here goes:


Anything but simple.

Louis and I had ridden the rest of the way in silence and yes it was awkward. But I got to spend time with him, that counts for something, right?

"Thanks for the lift, you should hurry to back to El, your ravishing girlfriend is waiting for you." I half-heartedly laughed, way to make things awkward Will.

It was already awkward!

Shush yourself.

"Yeah...I guess." Yet, he still climbed out of the car with me. Sliding round to my side along with his arm into mine. "But I also wouldn't be a gentleman if I didn't walk you inside." He flashed me a smile took a tiny step forward. Our movements were small as to savour what we had left, though it think Louis was just being kind.

Why do they specifically call them pigeon steps, I'm pretty sure that the majority of bird kind walk the same way; so why not penguin steps or...ostrich steps. Is there some kind of bird government that voted that their legacy should be named after pigeons? Or are they just higher on the hierarchy? Maybe the rest of the species are being held captive and forced to pretend that everything is normal; although depending on when the pigeons rose to power, they could be acting with pleas and we would never know. One of life's greatest mysteries I guess.

"Listen, Button I-" Can no one get through a blooming sentence in this place?! But there Zayn was, loitering in the doorway. Dressed in an atire covered in stains as if he'd spilt a dinner for 7 all down himself; it made the rest of the place look untidy.

"There you are Louis, we've been looking for you, you're needed in the kitchen." Zayn continued to rush him inside, me scurrying along beside.

"But you gave Harry and I the day off!"

"Well the Royals decided to have a dinner party tonight last minute and I CAN'T DO IT ON MY OWN I JUST CAN'T!" He wails like a Banshie, clasping onto his once groomed hair in an attempted to rip it out.

"Alright, stay calm. I'm sorry Button. could you phone Harry tell El I won't be able to get there till late." The last of his statement was barely caught because he was dragged into a fearful place. Hell. I mean home.

"Oh good you're dressed Wilhelmina, although its not preferable, it's not more of an effort than usual. Now hurry along." Miss Hippobottom strikes again. It's been a while since she's ruined something for me, was about to time she returned with an entrance. And I not say, this is an entrance. My eyes burned at her fuchsia pink three piece suit, not even Zack Effron could pull off.

Pushed and prodded, I fell (yes fell) into a room crowded of important people. Attendants rushed to lift me up but I politely brushed them off, yet another mistake. Reason being that I couldn't stand up without thrusting my hips about, over dramatically to gain my balance.

"Princess Wilhelmina, there you are."

"Wassup mah muva, how's it hangin?" words. I have literally no words for the catastrophe that escaped my mouth. Did you really have to try and be gangster Will? You aren't cool! Stop trying to be!

Well, that was a little harsh. I may be a cluts but that doesn't me I don't have feelings.

"Wilhelmina, what on Earth are you talking about? You'll have to excuse her Master Cox, this is profusely out of character." Was it wrong i sniggered when she said Cox? Such an...unfortunate last name. "And her attire is also something I apologise for, so does she, don't you darling?" I mumble an 'Of course' and retire into the background.

I've only been here a few minutes and my mother has managed to insult me several times. I didn't pay to come here and be penalised.

You didn't pay at all.

Yeah alright Miss Smarty-pants!


Dear Bella,

Didn't you and Ed use a rubber when you did the deed, honestly I thought your papa taught you better.

I know I've been neglecting you recently but, I haven't had much to write about. It seems that all I write in you about is my unrequited affections for Louis and they're still there but...

"Hello? Who's there?"


How much do you hate me?

I know leaving for 3 months and then leaving it on a cliff hanger, I really am wicked but it's just to drag the story out a bit.

I can't believe this book is actually nearly ending, I remember starting and just loving the characters and ugh I'm emotional.

So what do you thinks gonna happen?

Please do actually tell me I WANT TO KNOW!





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