Chapter 11: Imagine a zombie prom

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Chapter 11

Dear Bella (didn't it ever occur to you to ask Alice about the future and any major, life threatening events that could possibly the baby eating you, or even you getting pregnant. Maybe if i had an Alice she could have told me that my mother was going to ruin my life. Though i'm pretty sure, that's what she signed up for). Wow that is a long bracet. It's longer than algebra at least then it's only "x(4y-74)" or something

Anyway, if i seem a little agitated it's because of my mother. MOTHER! Sorry still a little mad at her, she's ruining my life ugh (said in an annoying high pitched voice). That was probably the girliest this i have ever done, i need to shudder excuse me. Now that's horror is over i think we should get down to funner buisness.

So this dance/ball my mother has organised for me to find a 'bachelor', i really don't want to go. I have many reasons, the main one being that i would have to talk to people. I'm really no good when i'm forced into converrsimg, seriously i end up having the strangest conversation involving a bowling pin and a duck....that was a one time thing.

At least it's a masked ball. Maybe if i just pretend to be a normal girl then i can just blend in...because nothing says normal like a big puffy dress probably made by some famous design and maybe even have fairy lights on it, i don't know what the kids are into these days it's always something crazy. Back in my day a simple one coloured dress was enough to lure a man even maybe a nice silver bit. Those were the days.

So, you know i went out with Louis today? Well he took me to a train station and oh my God i'm sounding like a girl again this is terrible sombody help me. My career and my life is over, this is the end. I see the light, i fear the worst for me. Wow, now i'm about as dramatic as a girl...or a llama; there isn't really that much difference between them.

Before this gets any girlier plus weirder i bid you a due.

Night x


*The next morning*

"A duck walked up to a lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand, "hey, got any weed?" NO DUCK, NO DRUGS!

"MISS, YOU NEED TO WAKE UP." I woke with a shake and a scream, i really need to thank El at some point because seriously she has saved me from my dreams many times. One time i was dreaming about this really fat dude and oh yeah that wasn't a dream; never mind.

"I am awake but i may look like a zombie, which is probably offensive to zombies because they're absolutly beautiful. I mean if you minus the dead thing and some have blood i'm sure they'd have no problem getting a date to prom." I babble while Eleanor gets a dress ready on the back of my chair. "Can you imagine a zombie prom and what are you doing?" I'm stopped in my trail of thought when i notice it's a really girlie dress like another pink dress girlie.

"I'm just setting out your outfit for dinner this evening." I climb out of bed fast and run to my cupboard.

"That's all lovely but i think i may pass on the whole dinner thing." I say coming out and sorting my t-shirt.

"Sorry miss, but i'm under strict instructions from you mother not to let you out of my sight." Her voice was stern but still cautious.

"Yeah, good luck with that. I'll come back later when it's time to get ready." I open the door and wave her goodbye, i love having Eleanor as my maid although i do hate that term.

"Be back by-" I didn't hear her finish as i slam to door shut behind me, i should probably stop doing that.


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