Chapter 12: Castle's small and mighty

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Chapter 12


Ever since i was little, I've known i was never good at making up excuses. Now days, people just think I'm crazy and suggest good mental hospitals. To be honest the ones I've looked at aren't that bad but my mother insists on keeping me in this mental hospital instead, she claims it's just a phase and soon I'll be like a normal human being. She also claims that she is the nicest person in the kingdom and that all she does is for my good.

I remember when i was just 8 years old, i was late in for dinner because i was playing with Peter (one of the maids children who is, last i heard, a dentist.) but i was told never to play with him because he was a 'bad influence' and playing spaceships and water hogs isn't what a princess should do. My mother wasn't happy about me missing dinner, insisting i had better have the best excuse or else I'd have to sleep in the maids courtiers. I couldn't tell my mother that I'd been playing with Peter, I'd be deader than the fish we were having for dinner, the problem was my imagination was almost as bigger than my mouth then.

I told her that I'd been picking flowers for her, being a suck-up never hurt anyone, that I'd only wanted to make her happy. She didn't buy it, or if she did she didn't like my reason for missing supper.


I suppose you're wondering why I'm telling you this, well I'm kind of hoping it will make what i did/say next in this situation a little bit more excusable. I'm a rookie when it comes it excuses. I'm worse than a 5 year old trying to explain why they drew over the walls in crayon and what the drawing is exactly.

So, you know i am currently standing in a bubble infested kitchen with a very confused Louis and Harry as Eleanor curtsy to me. So yeah, awkward. Now, i have the trouble of clearing up El's mess, ironic since she's hired to do that to me.

"Majesty?" Harry steps forward. "I think you may have the wrong room, there is no royalty in here, just us peasants." He links us all together and laughs.

"Pardon, but i wasn't talking to you...curlie." She peers round Harold and looks at me. "Miss, I've been looking everywhere for you." Everyone has turned to me by now, before now i thought i was free of trying to think of an excuse.

Laughing. Laughing, coming from somewhere. Someone. It's so loud and over the board, it couldn't be real. It wasn't, i know because it's mine. I have a habit of laughing in the most awkward of moments, even when there's nothing funny.

"Oh El, you're so funny. Ha, you and ha ha..." My laugh interrupting my flow of sentence. "And you with the...and the...oh who could forget"

"Well, she's completely lost it." Louis chuckles, patting Harry on the shoulder and shaking his head.

"Erm, El could i speak with you outside for a moment, i need advice" Wow, i don't sound like an obsessed girl planning what the child is gonna wear. I'm gonna be forever alone.

"Of course your majesty." She curtsies again making me scream and curl my fingers into claws. I was not going to hurt her, she is innocent, she doesn't know any of this. I push her out the door, time for serious business.

"Listen El, those two boys in there, they're my friends. I know, me being friends with the servants, my mum would kill me if she found out which is why you're not going to tell her. We're going to go back in there and you're gonna tell them something that gets me out of this whole you calling me majesty thing." I rush to stay, i was panicking a bit too much. What if it was too late to save it all?

"Erm, what am i meant to say exactly?" She was such a loyal servant, well and friend.

"I don't really know, how about that you were abducted by aliens and they brain washed you to think that every girl looks like the princess?" There it is, the worst excuse possible. Although it could work. Both the boys are pretty gullible, it's just the rest of the world we'd have trouble convincing.

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