Chapter 19: Hey remember me? Your old pal Ping

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Dear Bella,

Have you ever looked up Twilight fan fiction because i have to say some of that stuff is really messed up!

...So, long time no talk. I feel like i've neglected you and you'll come alive and slap me for abandoning you but it's not my fault, i've been really busy. Okay, so we both know that that is a complete lie, i'm never busy but i couldn't face you.

My last installment was me explaining to you how i messed everything up with Louis and if i'm honest with you, i haven't even spoken to him since. Is that bad? I mean he was my best friend and now i can't even look him in the eyes because i may throw up, either verbally or physically, i haven't quite decided yet.

Isn't it funny how that can happen? From talking everyday, laughing every second to nothing. From being the best of friends, to being scared to talk to each other. Of course Louis still doesn't know that i'm the Princess, at least i hope he doesn't. Maybe that's why he hasn't come to find me though i doubt he'd have a chance of actually holding a conversation with me that lasted longer than 2 minutes. My mothers got me going to all these meetings and teas with her and very important board members of major schools. She's trying to get rid of me, i'm not even exaggerating, i think i saw her bribing one of them to take me then and there. Plus there's a random suitcase in my room with my clothes in it.

Well anyway, must dash.


Will x

I close Bella and breathe, how is this now my life?

"Princess Wilhelmina, you need to get up-oh you already are?" Even Eleanor was surprised, I don't blame her, i've been wallowing about my bedroom for over a month now.

"Yes I am indeed, i also made my bed just to save you from having to do it." I smile sweetly at her, I was sorry to her too.

"Alright, what do you want?" Eleanor crosses her arms across her chest, god i hate it when she does that. She needs to just stop. In my thinking, she brushes her blonde hair from her face, gosh she's pretty...Will, what are you doing? You're in love with Louis not El, remember?


"I just wanted to see how you were doing and whether you spoke to Louis recently..." Way to be subtle Wilhelmina. "And the other boys obviously, i miss them but you know i'm just so busy with this princessing stuff and...i'm thinking about taking up a new language like Francish." Is that even a language?

"Princess, I was going to inform you that i haven't spoken to Mr Tomlinson but i'm sure the stuff would enjoy a visit from you if it was not an inconvinience." What? Was that English?

"El, why are you speaking like that?" She was already out the door and gone. "You could have shut the door." I slide off my bed mumbling about how is wasn't that hard to shut a door. Realy it isn't that hard. My hand reached to push the door close but i stopped myself.

If i made it this far, i may as well just...

No! Don't go visit your friends.

But why not, i miss them.

No you don't

Ah, screw this.

I pulled the door towards me and stormed out. Oh i'm going to regret this.

The corridor was surprisingly quiet, other than the odd murmur and clatter of staff as they fluttered about the palace. It feels awkward calling this place a palace.

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