Chapter 26: Angus, thongs and too much booze

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So this chapter is gonna be a little bit more mature than usual i just like the idea of Will going to a party :D


Dear Bella,

A tip for your marriage with Edward: If you ever want to annoy him, just buy a dog and call it Jacob.

Discovering my mothers plans to send me away to far off lands and school really took it's toll on me, I knew she didn't exactly like me being me but honestly I didn't think she'd go that far! That's the funny thing about parents, they tell you to be yourself. Just as long as your self is a constant A Grade student, with no tattoos or hormones, who can speak 7 languages! I don't know about you, but i've never met anyone to fit that description. Parents aye? But they aren't all bad, my mother used to be quite a good one before she realised that i was a lost cause. I know if i confront her about this, she'll simply tell me "It's for your own benefit darling"...wait fit nerdy boys? Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea.

I've been keeping myself occupied with the whole Maid of Honour stuff, therefore i've been lucky enough to avoid any awkward contact with the fine specimen from Doncaster. El has had time off from work but she should be back today, gotta tell ya, i'm not really looking forward to it.

Later Mrs_Cullen1836712<3

Will x

On cue, Eleanor knocked at the door to wake me up. I don't know what it was but recently i had actually been waking up before 10am, possibly I'm taking my duties more seriously...that's worrying!

"Hey Button, sorry i've been off, my family were worried because of the whole golf ball incident." She came and sat on the end of my bed. If i were her family i'd be more worried about the fact my daughter cheated on her boyfriend with the guy her employer was technically dating...well not really but she doesn't know that.

"It's cool," Yup this is awkward. She obviously isn't telling me the entirety of the story, all the tell-tale signs are there. Her nails are bitten down so much i'm surprised i can even see them, she keeps fiddling with the sleeves of her jumper which i can assume. Her hair is slightly knotted. Big bags under her eyes. From all the evidence, i can deduce...that i need to stop watching so much Sherlock but hey! Benedict Cumberbatch is pretty. Also El in nervous. "That's not the only reason is it?"

She laughs. "You can read me like a book. I'm not sure if you know but Louis and I broke up." Aye the Tommo is single and now i can make my move.

Oh yeah ,like a socially awkward being like you could 'turn-on the moves' with a guy.

I was obviously joking subconscious. My friend is in pain, my main priority is to console her.

"But why? I know the guy knocked you out but surely you can see past that, I mean look at his butt it is pure perfection I swear." Probably not the best time Will, pick your moments. But shockingly El giggles as a tear slips down her cheek.

"No its not that...I did something bad." She breaks down into a blubbering wreckage.

What do i do? I know I said I was meant to comfort her but honestly I'm not prepared for this. A person is crying, do I tap them on the head? Tell them to chin up? AHH THIS WASN'T ON THE TEST. I find myself frantically flapping my arms about my person till a hand rests on her shoulder, my voice muttering the "It's okay"s until she calms down.

"I kissed Harry, Button. And I know you probably hate me about now because you and him had a thing but we couldn't help it," Couldn't help it, that's the best you got?! Wait i'm not upset. "Harry kissed me and it felt, warm and tingly. I know it shouldn't have happened nut i'm glad it did. Without it i wouldn't have realised how wrong i was for Louis, how wrong i was for dating him when you and he had the moment at the Ball. Its just, no guys really had an interest in me. Now God gave me two and ugh," Her face plummeted into the bed. "Who thought that was a good idea? Take them back." We both chuckled at what a mess this all was.

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