Chapter 22: Putt Putt plonk...oops

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Just saying that a lot happens in this chapter so brace yourself pizzas and don't hate me

Mini golf, what could go wrong?

Lets start a list shall we:

First off I'M REALLY BAD AT SPORTS! The last time I attempted something even remotely physical I ended up putting 3 kids in hospital and another threw up. Wow Will do you really look that bad? Zip it you! Now is not the time for fooling around.

Second, how am I gonna hide the fact that I'm jealous of Louis and El when I have be surrounded by them canoodling and being all mushy. No, wait what I'm not jealous, of course I'm not. That would be ridiculous! We're all grown ups here and can handle this in a very civilised manner. Who am I kidding? I can do this! They could end up finding out about my princess thing, then they'll hate me forever and Louis would break up will El for not telling him about me and oh no, this is all going wrongs

Do not even try to tell I'm being dramatic because I know what being dramatic is and let me tell you this is exactly no what it looks like. My arms should be flailing in the air like this, and I would be speaking really, exceptionally fast and would be having...trouble it hot in here because; oh dear the walls are closing in. I can feel it, my last few moments. If I don't make it, I want you to tell Bella there's £1 million hidden in the...

Will? Wihelmina no! You cannot die on me okay? You have to be alive, you just have to.

Calm down, I didn't really die. And you call me the over dramatic one. Pfft.

But anyway, it's too late for me to back out now anyway! Why? I hear you ask, okay so maybe you didn't ask but i'm still going to tell you. Oh, you don't want to know? Fine then, the juicy gossip will remain mine. You shall not get a peep from these lips. Nope, I wont budge. You'll never get me to talk...OKAY YOU'VE TWISTED MY ARM!

Alright i really need to calm down and OH DEAR LORD WHY DOES HARRY HAVE HIS HAND ON MY KNEE; that was a bit of a tongue twister? Seriously i'm sitting in the back of Louis' car with Harry next to me, Louis and El in the front and his blooming hand on my knee. Now his thumbs moving, slowly brushing my the cap. I see the smirk on his face as I stare terrified at his hand, I've never had someone close to me, I don't like people touching. I've more of a verbal person.

Harry leans in, his breathe tickling my ear. I retreat my head and laugh. "Are you really that ticklish?" His chuckle was low, like he didn't want anyone to hear him.

"I just have sensitive ears okay? Oh and may I just say that you should remove your hand from my knee because as of now it's making me very uncomfortable!" I whisper sternly and return my head to facing the front. Still, his hand didn't move.

"You know it's been there for the past 10 minutes! I was thinking you either hadn't noticed or you were really happy to be here with me." This time his hand did move, but up my thigh. Wow this is getting slightly sexual. He wouldn't, would he? I thought he was doing all of this to help me get Louis, without making both them break up...I'm not sure how that'd work but it could in some alternate universe I want to be part of. Back to the problem at hand. Why? What? Just HELP ME. Despite the fact that I am extremely ticklish (and by extremely I mean you can tickle me from across the room) and human contact tickles, i feel very off putted...just oh dear make it stop.

"Unless you want me to pluck every single one if your knuckle hairs I would advise you restrain from moving that hand further up my person!" Go Will! He may just have moved his hand back to my knee but at least it was something.

"Lighten up Button, it all fun and games." I giggled again thanks to his breathe bruising my neck. I face him straight on, trying not to be noticed by Louis and El talking in the front.

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