Chapter 13: Poor imagination

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Chapter 13

Horrified! That’s how I feel right now. I blame El for this, if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t be currently breaking my record of not attending dinner with my family, I’m almost at 60. I do wonder what would happen if El hadn’t shown up that morning, well I wouldn’t have woken up that day. I wouldn’t have had that cream fight as early as it was, I would have had a nightmare about pandas…wow, and I honestly thought that there was more that she has done for me. Oh, and the fact that I’m now sitting in a really comfortable chair (curse you good furniture) in a pink dress waiting for the monster’s tea party.

“Hey, Little Sister.” Arianna, I believe I’ve spoken of her before. The perfect princess, adored by all. Even monkeys….my monkey peed on me. She is the whole reason we are having this dinner, just because her wedding. Who really needs a massive celebration? What’s so happy and cheerful about weddings? Yeah, yeah I know, love and all that malarkey but you don’t need a whole carnival right?

I’ve never actually met my in-laws, what do I even call them? They wouldn’t be my parent-in-law, right? I know, ‘Francis’, my sister’s fiancé. And I say ‘Francis’ because it’s just a name that I feel like saying in an accent like a snobby rich kid, that’s the sound they were going for, I bet.

“Haven’t seen you around in a while, have you been avoiding us?” Arianna asks, taking the seat next to me. Wasn’t exactly what I wanted, in fact, none of it was. I really didn’t want to be here, every moment I’m here is another moment I’m not with Louis or writing in Bella. I feel like I’m neglecting her.

“Of course I haven’t, I’ve coincidently been in different places to where I should have been and where you and mother were.” I sate. I don’t even believe myself, accidents don’t happen 57 times.

“Right. And I, coincidently, avoided going to grandma’s 87th birthday.” That was a horrible year.

It was just over 10 years ago, I was so young and naive back then, I honestly believed that my sister was trying to help me; I was so hungry as well. My mother had put me on a diet even though I was the average weight for my short figure. My sister gave me something, to this day I can’t remember the crazy name I believed. It was something so wacky that it appeared new and exciting for a child like me, she will never let me live down how gullible I was  back then...and how gullible I am now.

So you know that weird part of squid that you’re not meant to eat, who of us hasn’t seen that episode of The Suite Life on Deck? And, you know what happened to Woody with the toilet and he thought he destroyed the boat with his bowels. Well imagine that, but at an 87 year olds birthday party and me running out of the room but not making it to the toilet completely...

I was 10! You can’t blame me from having an uncontrollable bowel movement, especially considering the circumstances. However, my mother didn’t really think of it that way, she did blame me. Apparently 10 is not old enough to go outside but it is old enough to hold back diarrhea. Not even a 17 year old can hold back what I experienced.

My sister stayed at home that day, claimed she had homework or something to do. The funny thing is my mother was her tutor, but because Arianna is so perfect mother believed everything she was told. She stayed to “keep out of the splash zone” as she put it.

“That was not my fault; you were the one to feed me rotten fish. I don’t even know why I ate it, I hate fish.” I scorned, whispering angrily at her. I never understood quiet shouting, because it’s not actually threatening.

She throws her head back, laughing notoriously. “That’s why it’s so funny! We really had some good times back then.” She sighs, probably thinking about all the terrible moments we spent together.

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