Chapter 8: TBC Drugs

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Chapter 8

"Like what you see?"

OH NO! CODE YELLOW, I'M BUSTED...well technically I'm a princess, I wish I was busted. You have no idea how much I cried when Busted broke up, I didn't leave my bedroom for a week...I don't normally leave it but this time I had reason not to.

"ERM BUSTED ARE DRESSED AS BANANAS." Face palming myself mentally right now because I am that stupid. What the hell is wrong with me? Why couldn't I just come out with something normal for once? Something like, 'Hell yeah, you one sexy dude' or even 'Sorry I didn't mean to stare at you.' WHY CAN'T I BE NORMAL?

"No Busted are broken up, no bananas." Louis says, crushing my dreams. I put my hand over my heart and fake cry.

"How could you just say something like that? It's a very sensitive topic that can't be throw around like a house!" I cry into my hands, then blowing my nose in my sleeve. I should be an actress, though I don't think this is that believable.

"I'm sorry I brought it up?" He questioned his apology but like that i was sitting up straight and smiling.

"That's okay, we all make mistakes but the main thing is that we learn and grow from them, so that we can become better people for the future." I say cheerily, bouncing up and down with the train. CHOO CHOO!

"You're one stranger child Button."

"Hey! I'm not a child, i am very very Cheddar." Just Juan bad joke after the other here. This is just going in Juan direction, and that's down. SOMEONE TAKE MY SHOVEL AND JUST BURN IT BEFORE I DO SOMETHING I'LL kill a bunny, yeah I'd definitely regret that. Poor bunny.

"Really a cheese joke, that a bit cheesy don't you think." He says laughing along. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!

"Sorry, i guess that joke did stink a bit." He laughs again.

"Hey, do you think i need to cheddar a few pounds." I burst out laughing as Louis plays with his belly.

"I don't think you do, but you could go to ask" I say as Louis can't break out of the laughing fit.

"Okay, okay." He says between breathes. "You win, i can't...i can't do this anymore." He rolls along his seat, clutching his stomach.

"Victory!" I say with my hands high in the air, i knew I'd win, nobody can out cheese me. "Now presenting the queen of cheese, i hope cheese jokes will never expire." I say bowing and royally waving, I've actually had lessons in that. Louis claps me and whistles, i watch all the passengers staring at my like I'm the loon of the century.

"So why were you staring at me?" He says making things awkward again. Louis really needs to learn how to drop things, though i think that's my job since I'm the clumsy one.

"Well, you just seemed so taken in by the looked happy and that makes me happy." I mumble pushing up my glasses then smiling at him.

"And so you thought you'd stare at me instead of being taken in by the atmosphere yourself?" He questioned, obviously still not getting it.

"But i can't, you have this passion that i don't. It's how you can capture anything, something most of us would of a negative and make it beautiful again." I go on then see him laughing at me and stop.

"I don't make anything beautiful Button, i simply show people what they can't see." He smiles at me, oh my gravy his smile could make me melt like ice cream.

"But how do you see them?" I ask as we pull into the station. He smirks looking out the window again for a second then back at me with an evil grin.

"Come with me." He offers me his hand, grinning at me how i imagined the devil would. 

If you thought about the devil offering you knowledge or something from your deepest dreams, most of us would think that they would turn away and deny the devil anything he would want in return, because there is always a catch. But when you're given the option, you begin to have second thoughts. You think about your life with all that the devil could offer you, all you have to give up is your bad could that be? I had this option, except Louis wasn't the devil of course. He's so, so much more.

I take his hand and we run out of the carriage. We walk into the cafe carriage but don't sit down, instead we walk to the counter. Louis does a hand shake with the counter dude, before pulling me closer.

"Do you have the stuff?"

"Oh yeah, i have the stuff." The dude confirmed, i look at the name tag to see his name is Henry.

"Wait what stuff?" I asked confused.

"Don't worry babe, you'll like this stuff." Henry winked at me, ew gross. Henry looked like your regular sleaze. His hair was greasy, he wore a snap back sideways and by the looks of it, his trousers are saggier than my mother's tits.

"Hey dude, don't hit on her." LOUIS TO THE RESCUE! He's like Superman, except he's not a newspaper reporter.

"Why? You got a thing for her?" He said in a child accent, laughing evilly.

"No, just don't alright, she has a boyfriend who you don't want to get involved with." Louis whispered to him over the counter. "I can't tell you his name, but he's on the run from the police, hasn't been caught and they've only been looking for 5 years." He leaned back to see Henry wide eyed and shaking, it took my everything not to laugh at him.

"R-right, well here's your s-stuff." OH NO, IT'S DRUGS! LOUIS IS GONNA DRUG ME, KIDNAP ME AND LOCK ME AWAY IN HIS BASEMENT IN SPAIN. I look back to see Henry handing Louis a picnic basket, that's a weird thing to carry drugs in.

"Right, thanks bro. You ready to go Button." We link arms and leave the carriage before bursting out laughing.

"Where did that come from?" I burst out as Louis leads us down a woodland path.

"I have no clue, but did you see his face? Priceless." Louis said as we reached a clearing. 

"That'll teach him." I look around, it was beautiful. There was beautiful flowers every where, circling a grass spot that lead to the edge of the cliff. But the cliff end wasn't it, there was the sight of all that was beyond it. It was all so amazing. I start dancing around, skipping along the grass. I open my arms and spin around laughing and staring up at the sky. I turn back to Louis to see him staring at me.

"Like what you see?" I say mimicking his earlier question. Louis jumps out the trance stuttering and rubbing the back of his head.

"Erm well-erm you see...yes, you're very beautiful." He blushes, sliding his hands in his pockets. I walk closer to him and take his hands.

"This place is more beautiful." I pull him further in, dropping the basket on the floor.

"Never." It was my turn to blush now.

"Come on, dance with me." We start moving about the grass, dancing normally and then jumping up and down together. We skip across the whole grass, laughing together, me twirling him around as well. We ended up crashing on the ground lying next to each other laughing.

"So how did you find this place anyway?" I ask turning on my side to see him, his face dropped slightly.

"Erm my mum and dad used to bring me here, then when he left...not so much. In the end we didn't come at all because Lottie became to ill and mum had to work all the time just to support us, then i started working just to help." He stares up at the sky.

"You really love your family don't you." I whisper and he turns his head to me.

"Of course i do, I'd do anything for my girls." He smiles. "They're my family no matter what...well come on then, lets see what's in the basket." OH NO! THE KIDNAPPING IS  


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