Chapter 77

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"Aleevonne? For God sake, Aleevonne!" Alan's large palms slams against the kitchen counter for my attention, and my day dreaming swishes away as I'm brought back to the reality that is Alan's beastly voice.

"I'm sorry." I murmur not one hundred percent sure why.

"Who told you to do that? Who told you that was okay? Who gave you permission to do that, Alee?" He insist to know as mom finishes up washing the dishes. "Who told you it was okay for you to get your nose pierced, huh?"

I had a dream about Harry last night and from the moment I woke up this morning, I haven't stopped thinking about it. I don't remember much, just him sitting on my bed writing something down in his journal. An entry maybe. He had a pair of plaid pajama pants on, no shirt, his green beanie, and his cross pendant hanging low over his chest. I don't know what I was doing though, maybe just standing there watching him, but everything was still and silent. It felt horrifyingly real, so real, that even in my dream I was panicking wondering why this man who had hurt me is laying in my bed as if nothing happened. It was odd. Odd but somehow fulfilling.

"Jesus Christ, Alee!"

"Jezz, sorry!" I say picking at my toast while mom pours him his third cup of coffee. He saw my piercing and lost all his shit. Mom, on the other hand, smiled and whispered that she liked it, and to prevent an argument between the two, she's allowing him to scold me.

"Just grab your shit and lets go." Alan's blue eyes roll dramatically, disgusted with me and my irresponsible life choices, and marches out the back door to his truck.

"He's pissy today." I laugh grabbing my shit.

"Well, what can I say?" Her belly is bigger than both of our heads combined and I'm afraid that a poke might pop her. "I like it, it's cute."

"Wow, how the tables have turned." I kiss her rosy cheek and she smiles sweetly at me, following me to the door so she can lock it when I leave, and I hurry to truck where he's impatiently waiting. What a fun ride this is going to be.

"Whose idea was it to get that? Yours or Zayns?"

"I thought you liked Zayn." I say crossing my legs.

"Answer my question."

"It was my choice. It's not a big deal, you were fourteen when you had your first tattoo so all this yelling and over-parenting is a waste of energy." I defend and he sighs shaking his big head. "Just relax and enjoy the weather." I smile rolling my window down and instantly get lost in the beauty of nature. Fully blossomed trees and the warm breeze of Spring have awaken and it's an drug for weary eyes. The world is more beautiful this way.

We've arrive at school and student are scattered around the campus waiting for the first bell to ring. If it didn't feel like someone was sitting on my nose, my mood would be a ten out of ten. "See you later alligator." I kiss Alan's cheek, despite his yelling and hollering he made me endure, and he tries to hide his smile when I pull away to leave. We go our separate ways, him splitting to go through the teachers entrance and me through the main, and I put everything in my locker and head for the cafeteria.

I feel a little guilty about how close Zayn and I are becoming. I realized it last night when he kissed the ends of my lips before dropping me off at home. I'm not looking for a relationship or anything like that, just a friend to be with, but I feel as though I might be leading him on. We're spending a lot of time together, mostly alone, and I can tell by the way he looks at me that his thoughts and intentions are different from mine. He's a great guy though, don't get me wrong, I love being with him because it fills the emptiness and hurt I feel in my heart, but I feel like if I go too deep into this and let myself fall again, I'll end up cutting open the wounds. Maybe I need to take a break from him. 

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