chapter 2 - Devil May Care

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From 8.23 "Sacrifice", in the church, The doors burst open. Abaddon walked in.

Henry Winchester: (voice over from 8.12 As Time Goes By) "Abaddon. She's a Demon."

Ness: (voice over from 8.12 As Time Goes By) "Knight of Hell."

Dean reached behind him for his salt shell shotgun on the altar table. Abaddon noticed, using magic to throw Dean across the room into the church wall, making him fall to the floor.

Ness: (voice over from 8.12 As Time Goes By) "Knights of Hell are handpicked by Lucifer himself."

Abaddon used magic to throw Sam throw a window behind him, making it shatter and Sam fall to the ground outside. She looked at Ness, using magic to throw her against the wall, making her fall to the floor and groan in pain.

Crowley looked at Abaddon. "I am your King."

"About that..." Abaddon trailed off, punching Crowley in the face repeatedly, making him fall over in his chair. "Right now, you and I are gonna talk about regime change."

Abaddon turned to see Ness standing behind her. Ness tossed oil onto Abaddon. Abaddon gasped. Ness lit several matches against the wall, tossing them onto Abaddon, making her burst into flames and scream and flail in agony. The black Demon smoke escaped Josie's body, swirling out of the window she had thrown Sam through, leaving.

From 8.23 "Sacrifice", in the church, Sam's hands were glowing with power. "How do I stop?"

Ness picked a bandage up from the altar table, walking closer. "Just let it go." She wrapped the bandage around Sam's hand. "We will figure it out."

The glow in Sam's arm started to fade.

Sam backed away to look at his arms, smiling in relief. "Hey."

"See?" Dean asked.

Sam was breathing shakily, doubling over in pain, groaning.

Ness, Dean and Catty looked at him worriedly. "Sam?"

From 8.23 "Sacrifice", outside the church, Catty and Dean helped Sam out of the church, arms over their shoulders. Ness walked toward the driver's seat of the Impala quickly. Sam groaned, falling next to the Impala in severe pain. Dean and Catty knelt next to Sam.

Catty: (voice over from 9.01 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here) "Sam. He's, um..."

From 9.01 "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here", in Sam's hospital room, Sam still laid in his coma.

Catty: (voice over from 9.01 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here) "They say he's dying."

From 9.01 "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here", in the hospital's chapel, Dean sat in the back pew, praying. "This goes out to any Angel with their ears on. This is Dean Winchester. And I need your help."

From 9.01 "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here", in the hospital car park, the Angel in the suit pushed Ness down against the Impala's trunk, standing very close, holding the Angel Blade raised threateningly.

Ezekiel caught the Angel's arm from behind. "Easy there, brother." The Angel let go of Ness, turning to face Ezekiel completely, taking him by the jacket, pushing him into a nearby SUV's window, making the tinted glass shatter on impact, making Ezekiel bleed from the mouth, stepping closer. Ness took the Angel Blade from the ground, stabbing the Angel in the back, killing him, making him flash with bright white light, letting the body fall to the ground. "You're Ness Singer-Winchester, the wife of Dean Winchester. I heard his prayer, and I am here to help."

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