chapter 13 - The Purge

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From 9.12 "Sharp Teeth", in Garth and Bessie's apartment, Sabrina looked at Garth and Bessie. "You wanna know why they even let me live this long? Because I haven't hurt anybody or anything. The only things I hurt are the monsters that deserve it."

Sam, Dean and Ness were surprised that Sabrina thought that. Catty looked at Sabrina, slightly offended. Sabrina looked at Catty, Sam, Dean and Ness, slightly guilty.

From 9.12 "Sharp Teeth", in Catty's Mustang, Catty was in the driver's seat. Castiel was in the passenger seat.

Catty sighed, turning to Castiel. "Sabrina's always been afraid of turning into what Crowley wanted to turn her into, what Abaddon still does. Because she could feel all of that inside of her, while she was trying to be good, and everything inside her was telling her to be bad."

Castiel realized. "And you think that the heightened hunger from the fall also heightened Sow's fear of herself."

From 9.12 "Sharp Teeth", in the farmhouse's kitchen, Castiel knelt in front of Sabrina to look his daughter in the eye. "You're suffering, Sabrina. You're hungry. Look, I know you hate to think about it. Okay? But we have to face the fact that one day, what we're doing... It's not gonna be enough."

"What do you want me to do?" Sabrina asked.

"We can do what they're doing," Castiel told her. "It'll make everything a lot easier to control."

Sabrina looked up, not having an answer. "I'm scared, Daddy. I don't want to give in to this and then become what they want me to be."

Castiel sighed, taking her hand. "You shouldn't be scared. This is part of who you are. But you won't turn into someone like them."

"How do you know that?" Sabrina asked.

"Because you're stronger than that," Castiel answered. 

Sabrina seemed touched, but not as sure as Cas was by this, managing a small smile.

From 9.12 "Sharp Teeth", outside the farmhouse, Sabrina and Castiel walked away from the farmhouse.

Sabrina hesitated, turning to face Castiel. "You're right, Dad. I mean, it--it scares me, what's happening to me, what I... want, but... You're right. If I don't change something about the way we're going, then somebody could get hurt. And if we keep doing this, then... I'm never gonna be..."

"Happy?" Castiel suggested.

Sabrina shook her head. "Just... good."

Castiel took a moment, nodding. "Okay. We'll figure it out, Sabrina. I promise."

Sabrina embraced Castiel out of impulse, surprising him slightly, closing her eyes. "Thanks, Daddy."

Castiel returned the embrace. Catty had been standing on the porch, listening. Sabrina noticed her, pulling away from Castiel, looking down, looking slightly ashamed. Sabrina and Castiel both looked at Catty. Catty nodded reassuringly, telling them silently that she was on board, knowing that Sabrina couldn't talk about it with her, and understanding why she couldn't.

From 9.12 "Sharp Teeth", outside the farmhouse, Sam, Dean and Catty stood next to the Impala and Catty's Mustang.

"Something's broken here," Sam told them.

"I'm not saying that it's not," Dean told them.

"We don't... see things the same way anymore," Sam told them. "Our roles in this whole thing." He looked at Catty. "Back in that church, talking me out of boarding up Hell?" He looked at Dean. "Or--or tricking me into letting Gadreel possess me." He looked at Catty. "I know that with you, it was just... you. There were no tricks, no lying. Just... you." He looked at Dean. "But you... I can't trust you."

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