chapter 12 - Sharp Teeth

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From 9.10 "Road Trip", on the dock, it was raining around them. Castiel and Octavia backed away far enough to give them space.

Sam looked at Dean. "You lied to me. Again."

"I didn't have a choice," Dean told him.

"So, what?" Sam asked, looking from Ness to Dean. "You two decide to trick me into being possessed by some... psycho Angel?"

"It was my choice, Sam," Dean told him. "It was me."

From 9.09 "Holy Terror", in the Bunker's library, Sam/Gadreel held a hand toward Ness, using magic to keep her back, putting a hand to Kevin's head, smiting him, making him scream.

Ness couldn't move, fighting uselessly, horrified and devastated. "No! No!"  Kevin died with a flash of bright white light.  Sam/Gadreel let him fall to the floor, still holding Ness off with magic. Once Sam/Gadreel had left the Bunker, Dean and Ness were released from his magic, falling to the floor, gasping. Ness crawled closer to Kevin's body, but was unable to touch him, looking at the eyes that had been burned out of his head guiltily, starting to cry silently. "Kevin?"

Dean knelt behind her, a hand on her back comfortingly, but not intrudingly, tears in his own eyes. He let a single tear fall, his arms around Ness, taking full responsibility and blame, looking disconcerted and guilty beyond words. Ness bowed her head against Dean's chest in sorrow and guilt, crying silently.

Dean: (voice over from 9.10 Road Trip) "Kevin's blood is on my hands."

From 9.10 "Road Trip", on the dock, it was raining.

Dean looked at the others. "I'll find Gadreel. And I will end that son of a bitch."

Dean started to walk toward the Impala.

Ness followed him. "You're not doing it alone, Dean."

Ness and Dean looked back toward the others, slowly walking toward the Impala, getting in. The Impala drove away, leaving Castiel, Sabrina, Catty, Sam and Octavia standing in the rain.

From 9.11 "First Born", in the bar, Dean, Ness and Crowley sat at the bar. 

"Your prey, Gadreel, has left the building," Crowley told them. "So, it's time to move on to more pressing matters, like destroying Abaddon. Like you said, Vanessa, you've got a lead on our little red. But I have the weapon. The First Blade."

From 9.11 "First Blade", in Cain's farmhouse, Cain pulled up his right sleeve to reveal a mark burned into his forearm.

Crowley shrunk back, making a sign of the cross over his heart. "It's the bloody Mark of Cain."

Cain nodded. "From Lucifer himself. The Mark and the Blade work together. Without the Mark, the Blade is useless."

Ness pushed Cain against the wall, aiming Catty's Knife at him. "Abaddon wants to take Catty as a vessel and turn Sabrina into a monster so she can take over Hell. Dean and I are trying to stop Abaddon before she takes them."

Cain stepped closer. "I can give you the Mark, Ness, if it's what you really want. The Mark can be transferred to someone who's worthy. Someone who isn't just a killer. Knowledge. Power. Calm. Control."

Crowley looked at Ness.

"Can we use it to kill Abaddon?" Ness asked.

"Yes," Cain answered.

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