chapter 10 - Road Trip

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From 9.01 "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here", in Sam's Mind Space, in the Bunker, Sam and Dean were sitting at one table. Catty and Ness were sitting at the other. Young Sabrina was sitting on the floor.

"You're dying, Sam," Dean told him.

They could hear the sound of a heart beating.

Sam scoffed in disbelief. "Shut up."

A recurring beep sounded in time with the heart beat.

From 9.01 "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here", in Sam's hospital room, Sam laid unconscious in the hospital bed. There was a tube in his nose, his arm strapped to a beeping monitor.

From 9.01 "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here", in the hospital car park, The Angel slammed Ness against the truck of the Impala twice, sliding her up to the back windshield, raising the Angel Blade to stab her. Gadreel (formerly Ezekiel), caught the Angel's arm from behind.

From 9.01 "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here", in the garage, Gadreel was trapped in a circle of Holy Fire. Dean and Ness were standing nearby.

"Start with a name," Ness told him.

Gadreel stood. "Ezekiel."

From 9.01 "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here", in Sam's hospital room, Gadreel sat at Sam's bedside. Dean and Ness stood nearby.

"You said you would save Sam," Dean told him.

"There is a chance I can fix your brother from the inside," Gadreel told him.

From 9.01 "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here", in Sam's Mind Space's cabin, Dean put a hand on Sam's shoulder, morphing into Gadreel. Sam looked alarmed and confused. White light flooded the room.

Gadreel: (voice over from 9.01 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here) "I heal Sam while healing myself."

From 9.02 "Devil May Care", in the contaminated Ghost town's diner, Sam/Gadreel started to radiate with bright white light. Shadows of unfurling wings appeared on the wall behind him. His wings wee tattered and broken.

Ness: (voice over from 9.01 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here) "What, possession?"

From 8.23 "Sacrifice", in Naomi's Office, Castiel was strapped to the chair. Metatron pushed Castiel's head against the head rest of the chair, holding the blade to his neck, cutting his throat. Castiel's glowing Grace seeped out through the cut. Metatron held a small vial to Castiel's neck. Castiel's Grace spilled into the vial.

Castiel: (voice over from 9.03 I'm No Angel) "Metatron tricked me. He took my Grace."

From 9.03 "I'm No Angel", in April's Apartment, April was torturing Castiel with an Angel Blade.

"It's why I'm Human," Castiel told her.

From 8.23 "Sacrifice", Young Sabrina was engulfed in flame, burning, falling into a cliff face above some ocean, unable to stop as she hit against the cliff face, making much of it break at the point of impact, falling into the water below.

Sabrina: (voice over from 9.01 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here) "I was in Heaven when the Angels fell. I fell with them."

From 9.03 "I'm No Angel", in the motel room, Sabrina turned her back to the longest, smoothest wall there was in the room. Her eyes turned completely white, glowing blue from within. Shadows of unfurling wings appeared on the wall behind her. Her wings were tattered and broken, shredded. Castiel and Catty were both expressionless with worry.

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