chapter 20 - Bloodlines

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From 9.02 "Devil May Care", in the contaminated Ghost town, Abaddon kept Catty pinned to the ground by her dislocated shoulder. "Imagine you, possessed by the new Queen, with Sabrina ruling by our side. You, Sabrina and me, Catty. We'll have a grand old time."

Catty tried to hide her reaction.

From 9.18 "Meta Fiction", in the warehouse, two Demons kept Catty restrained to the table by her arms. The third Demon stood behind her, holding either side of her head, tilting it back against the table to restrain her. Abaddon's Demon smoke poured out of Josie's body, flowing slowly, painfully into Catty's mouth as it forced its way into her body. Josie's body fell to the ground. Abaddon took possession of Catty. Catty/Abaddon opened her completely black, Demon eyes. The three Demons let her go.

Catty/Abaddon stood, turning to face her Demons, letting her eyes return to normal. "I'm Abaddon. Abaddon takes what Abaddon wants. And right now, she wants everything."

Catty/Abaddon smirked deviously, chuckling.

From 9.19 "Alex Annie Alexis Ann", on the ferry dock, Catty/Abaddon had killed everyone on the ferry dock. She leaned against the railing, covered in blood, smiling, brushing back a strand of hair out of her face. "So... that was what I call art. Are we having fun yet?" The shot pulled away from Catty/Abaddon, revealing that the entire ferry dock was covered with bodies in various positions, all bloodied, all dead, all with horrified, frozen looks of shock and pain on their faces. Whatever or whoever or wherever they were or who they had been, they had died horribly. Catty/Abaddon chuckled, overlooking the damage she had caused. She walked toward a teenage girl's body that had her liver torn out of her body, kneeling next to her. "I told you that you would hear the scream of a girl as you tore her guts out, Catty." She pushed her hand into the girl's torn open stomach, feeling everything that was inside to torment and torture Catty on the inside. She stood, walking toward a counter where a baby in a car seat was dead, blood dripping from its head. She caught the blood droplets in her cupped hands. "And I told you that you would feel what it was like to have blood of an infant drip down your chin." 

Catty/Abaddon brought her cupped hands to her lips, drinking the blood from her hands, purposefully leaving a trail of blood dripping down her chin. She saw a mirror nearby, walking closer to talk to Catty in the reflection of the mirror. 

Catty's reflection was as covered in blood as Abaddon was, and she tried to hide how revolted and horrified she was with what Abaddon was making her do, angry. "Go to Hell."

Catty/Abaddon chuckled. "Oh, honey, I'm already there, and I'm pinning for the crown. You're going to help me with that. Catty, whatever you may think of me... at least you know one thing is true. I always keep my promises."

Catty/Abaddon looked into the mirror at Catty's reflection one last time, smirking, winking. She calmly, slowly, walked off the dock, basking in the smell of the bloody, dead bodies and rotting flesh.

From 9.18 "Meta Fiction", roadside, Sam, Dean, Ness, Castiel, Octavia and Sabrina were standing nearby the cars.

Sabrina looked at Sam, Dean and Ness. "You three can do the job. Aunt Ava, Dad and I are gonna find Mom."

Octavia looked at Sam. "And we looked for Abaddon for so long, and we couldn't find her on our own. You know as well as I do that we won't be able to find her or Catty on our own. We need an army to help us find them and save Catty."

"You find Catty, you drop a dime," Ness told them. "Meantime, we got a job to do."


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