chapter 19 - Alex Annie Alexis Ann

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From 1.20 "Dead Man's Blood", in the motel room, John Winchester placed a bottle of Dead Man's Blood on the table.

John: (voice over from 1.20 Dead Man's Blood) "Dead Man's Blood."

From 3.07 "Fresh Blood", in the alley, Lucy the Vampire ran tried to bite Catty on the neck. Catty caught her by her hair, pulling her head back before she broke skin, injecting her with a vial of Dead Man's Blood. Lucy backed away weakly, falling to the ground, unconscious.

John: (voice over from 1.20 Dead Man's Blood) "It's poison to Vampires."

From 6.05 "Live Free or Twihard", in the Vampire warehouse, on the stair landing, the crowd of Vampire girls swarmed around Dean. Dean started swinging at them one by one with a machete. Blood splattered on the door.

John: (voice over from 1.20 Dead Man's Blood) "And most of the Vampires' lore is crap."

From 6.05 "Live Free or Twihard", in the Vampire warehouse's balcony, Catty had beheaded many of the Vampires by the time they had woken up, thinned them out by quite a bit. She was splashed with blood, but she didn't seem to care. She was emotionless, void and dead set on killing the Vampires. One Vampire ran toward Catty. Catty swung the machete at his neck, decapitating him, letting the headless body fall. Two others stood in front of Catty, growling, hissing. Catty swung at one, beheading him, spinning around, beheading the other's all in one swift motion, watching the headless bodies fall, backing away.

John: (voice over from 1.20 Dead Man's Blood) "The only way to kill them is by beheading."

From 8.02 "What's Up, Tiger Mommy?", in the Vampire's Ness, there were closeups of Ness' bloody, filthy body. She was covered in sweat, blood and filth. There were sounds of growling Vampires and closeups of Vampire fangs. Ness looked to be barely alive, glaring toward the Vampires. There were flashes of Vampires feeding from Ness, having her nearly dead, and several Vampires having Ness pinned against a tree, rock or ground, looking at her intently, feeding all over her body, some looking as if they weren't biting her, but kissing her roughly, pushing back her hair, pulling at her black tank top and shorts, becoming more and more rough. Ness was too weak, too close to death to stop them.

From 8.02 "What's Up, Tiger Mommy?", in the Vampires' Nest, Ness was crawling toward the treeline, bleeding profusely. She couldn't make it, leaning against a nearby rock weakly, breathing deeply, trying to stay awake, praying. "Cas. I need you to hear me. I need help."

From 8.02 "What's Up, Tiger Mommy?", in the Vampires' Nest, Ness was still leaning against the rock weakly, trying to stay awake, trying to stay alive. A Vampire knelt in front of Ness, pushing her further up against the rock, straddling her, grabbing the back of her head, tilting her head to the side, about to bite her in the neck. The Vampire gasped. White light blazed from his entire body. He fell to the ground, dead.

Ness breathed deeply, looking up at Castiel, smiling weakly in relief. "Cas."

"Ness," Castiel told her. "I heard you. I'm so sorry."

Castiel put two fingers to Ness' forehead, healing her. Ness looked around, noticing her skin was still filthy and covered in blood, sweat and filth, but she was no longer wounded or bleeding. She wasn't weak anymore, standing, looking at Castiel.

From 8.07 "A Little Slice of Kevin", in the motel room on the girls' side, Ness was sitting on one bed. Catty was lying on the other. Young Sabrina was asleep, nestled in against Catty.

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