chapter 7 - Crazy Kids

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From 1.03 "Dead in the Water", in the motel room, Sam and Catty were sitting at the table.

Dean was standing next to them, chuckling. "Loch Ness."

Catty smiled. "You know, we haven't even heard from Ness since her dad nearly buckshot our dad."

Dean cleared his throat awkwardly as if there was something more to that story they didn't know about.

From 1.22 "Devil's Trap", in Bobby's House, Sam, Dean, Catty, Ness and Bobby were standing together.

Catty looked at Bobby. "The last time we saw you, you did threaten to blast him full of buckshot. You cocked the shotgun and everything."

Ness and Dean exchanged a look because they both knew something they didn't, smirking, taking a drink.

Bobby looked at Ness and Dean knowingly, but spoke to Sam and Catty. "Yeah, well, what can I say? John just has that effect on people."

"Yeah, I guess he does," Dean agreed.

From 1.01 "Pilot", in the Winchester House, John Winchester gave Baby Catty to Young Sam. "Take your sister outside as fast as you can! Now, Sammy, go!"

Young Sam and Young Dean ran out of the house with Baby Catty.

From 1.18 "Something Wicked", outside the motel, Sam and Dean turned away from Catty.

"What else do you guys remember?" Catty asked.

"Nothing," Dean told her. "We were kids, all right?"

From 1.18 "Something Wicked", in the flashback's motel room, John looked at Young Sam and Young Dean. "All right, if I'm not back Sunday night..."

"Call Bobby and Ness," Young Sam finished.

John sighed, grabbing a bag full of weapons, walking toward the door. "And most important--"

Young Sam and Young Dean finished together. "Watch out for Catty."

They looked toward Young Catty watching TV intently.

From 5.22 "Swan Song", in the Singer Salvage Yard, Sam, Dean and Catty stood nearby the Impala.

Dean looked at Sam. "You know, watching out for you... it's kinda been my job, you know, that Catty picked up the second she thought she had to."

From 3.08 "A Very Supernatural Christmas", in the flashback's motel room, Young Sam and Young Catty walked toward the tree with presents, seeing that there were only two, sitting on the couch. Young Dean sat next to them.

Sam: (voice over from 2.21 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1) "I got this brother and sister, right? Dean and Catty. And they're always telling me how they're gonna watch out for me."

From 1.18 "Something Wicked", in the flashback's motel room, Young Catty sat at the table. Young Dean was standing at the stove, cooking. Young Sam was pouring a glass of milk, sliding it in front of Young Catty.

Young Dean grabbed a pan of Scabetti-O's, walking toward Young Catty, pouring it into her bowl. "Now, eat your dinner."

Young Dean grabbed the box of Lucky Charms and a bowl, putting them on the table in front of Young Sam.

Young Sam took the prize out of the box, holding it toward Young Dean. "Do you want the prize?"

Young Catty smiled, tilting her head slightly back and forth, taking a bite of Scabetti-O's, giggling.

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