chapter 11 - First Born

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From 9.02 "Devil May Care", in the abandoned house, Abaddon was meeting with her Demons. "My name is Abaddon."

Ness: (voice over from 8.12 As Time Goes By) "Who is a Knight of Hell."

From 8.23 "Sacrifice", in the church, Crowley was chained to the chair within the Devil's Trap, looking up at Abaddon. "I am your King."

"About that..." Abaddon trailed off, punching Crowley in the face.

From 9.02 "Devil May Care", in the contaminated Ghost town, Abaddon kept Catty pinned to the ground by her dislocated shoulder. "Imagine you, possessed by the new Queen, with Sabrina ruling by our side."

Catty tried to hide her reaction.

From 9.10 "Road Trip", on the dock, it was raining.

Octavia slowly moved her hand over Sam's head, healing all of his external wounds. She held his shoulders to help him. "It'll take time to fully heal you. We'll have to do it in stages."

Sam nodded in agreement. "I guess this means you can't avoid coming around for our safety anymore, Ava." Octavia gave Sam a half-hearted, gentle look. Sam barely managed a smile, letting it fade, looking unsteadily at Dean. Castiel and Octavia backed away far enough to give them space. "You lied to me. Again."

"I didn't have a choice," Dean told him.

"So, what?" Sam asked, looking from Ness to Dean. "You two decide to trick me into being possessed by some... psycho Angel?"

"It was my choice, Sam," Dean told him. "It was me."

From 9.09 "Holy Terror", outside the bar, Metatron stepped out of the shadows. "I know who you really are. Gadreel."

From 9.09 "Holy Terror", under the overpass, Sam/Gadreel looked at Metatron. "I will join you as second in command."

Metatron handed the yellow card to him. "Here's the first name on your to-do list."

From 9.09 "Holy Terror", in the Bunker's library, Sam/Gadreel held a hand toward Ness, using magic to keep her back, putting a hand to Kevin's head, smiting him, making him scream.

Ness couldn't move, fighting uselessly, horrified and devastated. "No! No!" Kevin died with a flash of bright white light. Sam/Gadreel let him fall to the floor, still holding Ness off with magic. "No! Kevin?"

From 9.10 "Road Trip", in the warehouse, Catty looked at Dean, Ness and Octavia.

"I helped Sam, I cancel any and all hits that are of my men, I leave here a free man," Crowley told them.

Catty looked at Crowley. "And I'm just supposed to believe that you'll tell your guys to stand down and leave us alone?"

"I keep my deals," Crowley told them.

"Catty," Castiel told her. Catty looked at him. "This means you can bring Sow home."

Catty managed a small smile that didn't reach her eyes. "And you."

Castiel nodded.

From 9.10 "Road Trip", in the warehouse, Sabrina smiled a small smile, sitting down in the chair across from Sam/Gadreel, facing him.

Castiel knelt in front of Sabrina, speaking to the others. "Sow can exorcise him from inside."

Sabrina's essence poured out of Sabrina's mouth, pouring into Sam's mouth. Both Sabrina and Sam/Gadreel fell unconscious.

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