chapter 14 - Captives

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From 9.11 "First Born", in the bar, Dean, Ness and Crowley sat at the bar.

"You've got a lead on our little red," Crowley told them. "But I have the weapon. The First Blade."

From 9.11 "First Born", in Cain's farmhouse, Cain pulled up his right sleeve to reveal the Mark burned into his forearm.

Crowley shrunk back, making a sign of the cross over his heart. "It's the bloody Mark of Cain."

Cain nodded. "From Lucifer himself. The Mark and the Blade work together. Without the Mark, he Blade is useless." He stepped closer. "I can give you the Mark, Ness, if it's what you really want. The Mark can be transferred to someone who's worthy."

Crowley looked at Ness. Ness looked at Dean, sighing. Dean relented. Ness looked at Cain, nodding. Cain took Ness' right hand with his. A red vein spread from Cain's Mark to burn an identical Mark in Ness' forearm, making her gasp in pain. The Mark disappeared from Cain's arm.

From 9.12 "Sharp Teeth", in Garth's hospital room, Ness continued to pace, scratching at her arm, where the Mark of Cain was.

Sabrina noticed. "What happened to your arm?"

Ness pulled up her sleeve so they could see it better. "Oh, it's the worst birthday gift ever from Cain."

From 9.12 "Sharp Teeth", in the barn, Ness looked from the ropes tying her wrists to the ladder above her head to Joba. "You want me to use these to strangle you after I get free?"

From 9.13 "The Purge", in the gym, Dean and Ness were posing as FBI.

Dean noticed the way she was acting, a little confused. "Hey, you okay?"

Ness turned to him. "I'm fine. I just... feel off."

From 9.13 "The Purge", in the spa's hallway, Sam was posing as a personal trainer. Dean was posing as a janitor. Catty was posing as a cook. Ness was posing as a yoga teacher. Sam walked away, leaving. Ness seemed annoyed with Sam's attitude.

Catty gave Dean and Ness a look. "Even you know that this crossed the line."

Dean sighed, knowing she was right. Ness looked between, not showing a reaction, walking away, leaving. Catty was slightly puzzled by this reaction, looking at Dean. Dean frowned slightly, not knowing what was with this, either.

From 9.09 "Holy Terror", at the rendezvous spot, Angel Glee Clubber 1 and Theo threw Angel Blades into the two male Angels behind Bartholomew's assistant, killing them, making them flash with bright white light. The bodies fell. Malachi stabbed Bartholomew's assistant, killing her, making her flash with bright white light, taking it out, letting the body fall.

Castiel: (voice over from 9.09 Holy Terror) "Angels."

From 9.09 "Holy Terror", in the woods, a group was sitting around a circle holding books, presumably Bibles. Angel Glee Clubber 1 was giving a speech. An Angel arrived behind the Angel Glee Clubber, stabbing her in the back with an Angel Blade, killing her, making her scream and flash with a bright white light, letting the body fall. Other Angels attacked the Humans, putting their hands to their heads, smiting them, killing them, even while they screamed, letting the bodies fall. The Angel Grace floated away, fleeing the scene.

Castiel: (voice over from 9.09 Holy Terror) "Butchering Angels"

From 9.09 "Holy Terror", in the motel room, Octavia looked at Castiel. "It's madness. Each side wants to crush the other, overthrow Metatron, and rule Heaven. And, the only way to get enough power to do that is..."

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