chapter 6 - Heaven Can't Wait

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From 9.03 "I'm No Angel", in the Angel Church, Buddy was recording a podcast.

Dean: (voice over from 9.03 I'm No Angel) "Reverend Buddy Boyle's 'Goin' for Glory Hour'."

From 9.03 "I'm No Angel", in the police station, Sam, Dean and Ness watched a podcast on a smart phone.

Buddy: (on phone) "When Angels come a-knocking, let them on in."

Dean and Ness exchanged a knowing look.

Sam looked at them curiously. "Angels can't possess a Human without permission, right?"

Ness glanced at Sam, looking away. "Yep."

"So, what, they're using this guy to find vessels?" Dean asked.

"It's a willing audience," Ness told them.

From 5.20 "The Devil You Know", in Bobby's House, Crowley faced Bobby.

From 6.19 "Mommy Dearest", in Biggerson's Restaurant, Crowley walked toward Castiel.

Abaddon: (voice over from 9.02 Devil May Care) "Who put Crowley in charge?"

From 9.02 "Devil May Care", in the abandoned house, Abaddon was meeting with her Demons.

"He's the King," the old woman Demon told her.

"He's a salesman," Abaddon told them.

From 8.23 "Sacrifice", in the church, Abaddon punched Crowley in the face repeatedly, making the chair he was chained to fall to the floor. "Right now, you and I are gonna talk about a regime change."

From 9.02 "Devil May Care", in the abandoned house, Abaddon was meeting with the Demons.

"How do you expect to make this scheme of yours work?" the old woman Demon asked.

Abaddon smirked. "Simple. You have orders to find the Hybrid, Sabrina Winchester, right? And her mother, the vessel, Catty Winchester. Use Catty as leverage and maybe we can take the power that Sabrina has for our own."

From 9.02 "Devil May Care", in the contaminated Ghost town, Abaddon kept Catty pinned to the ground by her dislocated shoulder. "Imagine you, possessed by the new Queen, with Sabrina ruling by our side. You, Sabrina and me, Catty. We'll have a grand old time."

Catty tried to hide her reaction.

From 9.02 "Devil May Care", in the Bunker's dungeon, Crowley was chained to the chair within the Devil's Trap, alone in the dark, in the quiet, flashing back to the night of the third Trial.

Ness: (voice over from 8.23 Sacrifice) "You're the third Trial, Crowley."

Young Sabrina: (voice over from 8.23 Sacrifice) "I'm tired of running, Crowley."

Octavia: (voice over from 8.23 Sacrifice) "You're our bitch."

Catty: (voice over from 8.23 Sacrifice) "It's nothing compared to what we're going to do to you. Your Demon ass is going to be a mortal ass pretty damn quick."

Catty: (voice over from 9.02 Devil May Care) "This is your hell, Crowley. And I'm just getting started."

From 8.23 "Sacrifice", in the church, Crowley was chained within a sprayed Devil's Trap, looking at Dean, Ness and Sam. "Where do I start... to even look for forgiveness?"

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