chapter 9 - Holy Terror

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From 8.23 "Sacrifice", in Heaven's Naomi's Office, Castiel was strapped to a chair. Metatron pushed Castiel's head against the head rest of the chair, pulling out an Angel Blade, holding it to his neck, cutting his throat. Castiel's glowing Grace seeped out through the cut. Metatron held a small vial to Castiel's neck. Castiel's Grace spilled into the vial.

Catty: (voice over from 9.01 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here) (praying) "Cas?"

From 8.21 "The Great Escapist", in Biggerson's Restaurant, Octavia raised a hand toward Crowley, eyes glowing blue from within. A bright light started to emanate from her hand. Crowley shot Octavia in the stomach.

From 8.21 "The Great Escapist", in the alley, Octavia turned to face Crowley. Crowley had his Angel Bullet gun, shooting Octavia in the stomach again. Octavia leaned against the brick wall behind her for support, in severe pain. Crowley shot Octavia in the stomach yet again. Octavia glared at Crowley in hate, breathing heavily and deeply in pain.

Catty: (voice over from 9.01 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here) (praying) "Ava?"

From 8.23 "Sacrifice", Young Sabrina was engulfed in flame, falling into a cliff face above some ocean, unable to stop as she hit against the cliff face, making much of it break off at the point of impact, falling into the water below.

Catty: (voice over from 9.01 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here) (praying) "Sabrina? Are you there?"

From 9.01 "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here", in the woods, Castiel was walking through the woods, looking up into the sky to the falling Angels. The wind was howling around him.

Catty: (voice over from 9.01 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here) (praying) "I just..."

From 8.21 "The Great Escapist", in Biggerson's Restaurant, Octavia was on the floor. Ion the Angel walked closer to Octavia, raising his blade to stake her. Castiel appeared behind Ion with the Angel Blade Octavia had dropped, stabbing Ion from behind, killing him, making him flash with bright white light.

From 9.01 "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here", in Lebanon's alley, Octavia spun away to make Hael miss, turning to face her the same instant Hael slashed into her stomach with her Angel Blade, making her groan in pain, Grace leaking out with blood.

From 9.03 "I'm No Angel", in April's Apartment, Octavia stabbed April in the chest, killing her, making her flash with white light, making her scream in pain as she died. She pulled the sword out, letting her body fall to the floor. She was breathing heavily, more exerted after this fight than she had ever been aside from the two before. She was exhausted, looking faint.

Catty: (voice over from 9.01 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here) (praying) "I need to know where you are."

From 9.01 "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here", in the ocean, Sabrina was unconscious underwater. She slowly started to wake, looking around, unable to breathe, looking toward the surface, struggling toward the surface. She broke through the surface, gasping for air, looking around to see the sunlight, raising her arm to cover from the bright.

From 9.03 "I'm No Angel", in April's Apartment, Sabrina knelt next to Castiel and Catty, putting her hand over Castiel's chest, forcing herself to heal him. The effort that it took her... a while light emanated from her hand, but it looked as if it didn't want to stay on. She powered through, healing Castiel completely. She groaned, gasping for breath from the effort, standing, stumbling back, nearly falling. Octavia caught Sabrina before she did, helping her stand.

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