chapter 8 - Rock and a Hard Place

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6.12 "Like a Virgin", in the tunnels, several of the missing women were trapped in a cage beneath a platform.

Sam: (voice over from 6.12 Like a Virgin) "So, what kind of thing likes virgins and gold?"

From 6.12 "Like a Virgin", in the motel room, Sam sat at the laptop at the table, looking at Dean and Catty. "Dragons. Dragons, guys."

From 6.12 "Like a Virgin", in the parking lot for St. Mary's Center for Catholic Studies, A Dragon swooped down from the sky toward Melissa. Melissa started to scream.

From 9.03 "I'm No Angel", in the Bunker's library, Dean, Ness and Sam were sitting at the tables.

"You went through the Trials," Dean told him. "I just think it's better if you took it easy, you know, and didn't act like you were--"

Sam's eyes flashed with blue as Ezekiel took over. "Possessed by an Angel."

From 6.04 "Singers' Weekend", at Bobby's House's front door, Bobby opened the door to find FBI Agent Adams and Sheriff Jody Mills.

Adams put away his badge, looking at Jody. "I believe you know Sheriff Mills."

From 5.15 "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid", in Bobby's House, Bobby, Ness and Dean were trapped in the closet. The nine remaining Zombies were pounding on the door, trying to break through. Sam, Catty and Jody were behind the nine Zombies, shooting three Zombies each in the head, killing them all. All of the Zombies fell to the floor, dead.

From 9.02 "Devil May Care", in the Bunker's dungeon, Crowley was chained to the chair within the Devil's Trap.  Catty, Sam, Dean and Ness stood in front of him.

"We saw you break down, Crowley," Sam told him.

From 8.23 "Sacrifice", in the church, Crowley was chained to a chair within a Devil's Trap. Sam injected his blood into Crowley's neck.

Sam: (voice over from 9.02 Devil May Care) "When I was trying to cure you, I know a part of you was Human again."

From 9.02 "Devil May Care", in the Bunker's dungeon, Crowley was chained to the chair within the Devil's Trap. Catty, Sam, Dean and Ness stood in front of him.

"Maybe still is," Sam told him.

"Blah blah, boohoo," Crowley told them. "Done? Good."

From 9.06 "Heaven Can't Wait", in the Bunker's record room, Ness sighed, pouring the bowl of her blood into the sink. She noticed that the syringe kit was missing a syringe, closing the kit, looking into the dungeon. Crowley had the syringe, injecting it into himself, dosing himself with Human blood, sitting back into his chair, sighing. Ness stepped into hiding, confused.



Hartford, South Dakota

Day One

Night - Casey's Great Plains Diner - Outside

A young girl walked out of the diner, carrying a to-go box. She locked the door behind her, walking around the corner, setting the to-go box next to a homeless man who was asleep, leaning against the wall. "Nighty night, Slim."

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