chapter 15 - #thinman

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From 1.17 "Hell House", outside Hell House, Ed Zeddmore and Harry Spangler walked along in equipment.

Catty: (voice over from 1.17 Hell House) "Ed Zeddmore and Harry Spangler."

From 1.17 "Hell House", in the house, Catty opened a door, walking in. Sam and Dean followed on either side of Catty. Bright lights were shone in their faces, making them look away. Ed and Harry were standing there.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Dean asked.

"Uh, we belong here," Ed told them.

From 1.17 "Hell House", in the Hell House, Ed and Harry ran toward the door. Mordechai Murdoch appeared, holding his ax up toward Harry and Ed. Harry and Ed screamed, running away.

Ed: (voice over from 1.17 Hell House) "We're professionals."

From 1.17 "Hell House", in the Hell House, Catty looked at Ed and Harry. "Professional what?"

From 3.13 "Ghostfacers", there were flashes of Ed, Harry, Kenny Spruce, and Maggie Zeddmore.

Ed: (voice over from 1.17 Hell House) "Paranormal investigators. Hey, this is our ticket to the big time. Fame, money..."

From 1.17 "Hell House", in their trailer, Harry and Ed were sitting together.

"Sex," Ed told him. "With girls."

From 9.12 "Sharp Teeth", outside the farmhouse, Sam, Dean and Catty stood next to the Impala and Catty's Mustang.

"We are family," Catty told them.

"Catty, you say that like it's some sort of cure-all," Sam told her. "Like it can change the fact that everything that has ever gone wrong between us has been because we're family."

From 9.13 "The Purge", in the Bunker's kitchen, Dean, Sam and Catty sat at the table.

Sam sighed. "You didn't save me for me. You did it for you."

Catty stood, turning away. "All right."

"If the situation were reversed, and I was dying, you'd do the same thing," Dean told him.

Sam hesitated, shaking his head, speaking softly. "No, Dean. I wouldn't." Dean and Catty looked at him in surprise. Sam looked up. "Same circumstances... I wouldn't."

Sam stood, walking away. Dean looked devastated. Catty looked as if she felt numb, not knowing what to make of that.

From 9.13 "The Purge", in the Bunker's library, Sabrina was leaning against the wall next to the doorway that led to the kitchen. She had heard everything. She looked annoyed and unconvinced, looking down.

From 9.13 "The Purge", in the spa's hallway, Sam was posing as a personal trainer. Dean was posing as a janitor. Catty was posing as a cook. Ness was posing as a yoga teacher. Sam walked away, leaving. Ness seemed annoyed with Sam's attitude.

Catty gave Dean and Ness a look. "Even you know that this crossed the line."

Dean sighed, knowing she was right. Ness looked between them, not showing a reaction, walking away, leaving. Catty was slightly puzzled by this reaction, looking at Dean. Dean frowned slightly, not knowing what was with this, either.

From 9.13 "The Purge", in the gym, Dean and Ness were posing as FBI.

Dean noticed the way she was acting, a little confused. "Hey, you okay?"

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